[63] Honest-I

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The busier the southern side of the territory had been with the lake and Lycans living around it, the more peaceful the northern side was.

Lush green uneven grounds stretching till far away with big trees. I was curious to see what was further ahead. How the border touching Eastern and Mystic Pack looked like? I wanted to see the places Karam had been to look for Severa.

But for now, we were sitting at the same spot after walking through the whole jungle. At the dried muddy escalated path with patches of grass at places.

For our, you know, unofficial second date.

He was in an even better mood than yesterday. More cheerful and teasing me all the time, asking me if I was touched by his gesture of saving the camera. As if he could see through my silence, how low I had been feeling since I checked the photos.

Honestly, I could barely go through first five ones. Of Gilbert's note, of my room, of Alpha Rucus' statue, of the girls dressing up before the first night of the ceremony. My heart had already dipped deep into the nostalgia. It was overwhelming.

I didn't want to cry and make myself more pitiful alone on that bed during the night. So, I placed the camera in his cupboard which now had my clothes more than his.

The new day brought refreshing mood. But I still couldn't get over the fact that Karam had managed to recognise Eva and Keira so cleverly.

The evening came so early. I barely could pass through the routines and have an urge to do a chore or anything. Amelia and Nysa were really not passing any orders, not assigning me anything. As if they knew that I was so busy mentally, I couldn't focus at the world out of my head.

Until the evening actually arrived.

Today, Nysa made a fishtail of my hair. While his were down. He looked radiant and unfazed by cold wind. His collars were loose, showing off the black threads around his thick neck.

While I was dressed in another foot-length blue dress with a light blue apron like cover at the front. It was a thicker fabric in one-piece and much comfortable than those two pieces dark-colored silk dresses. The good news was that Alvena had provided me tailored inner wears two weeks ago. It was a relief that I couldn't describe in words. Slowly I noticed that all of them were used to wearing layers. But it was not for me, to seduce my Lycan mate.

I promised myself, I won't let this happen to the next bride. Though I wished for no other girl to cross the border and end up like me. I would be the last one to be stuck here with them.

But how much I could wish and turn it into purpose? My own hormones were the reasons behind the failure of crossing the border.

I wanted to chuckle out loud at my thoughts sarcastically. But I refrained from it as it was a good day. Karam seemed happy.

There was silence between us as we had just down and were now admiring the scenery. There were so many thoughts in our minds but didn't know from where to begin.

I looked down at my lap and turned on the camera that I had remembered to bring. Turning it on, I checked the gallery this time from reverse and the last clicked photo appeared.

My heart squeezed a little at seeing the pink feather. It was still there in the pocket of Pete's jacket, in that trunk in the bedroom.

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