[33] The Temple Tales IV: The Full Moon Night

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The silence had stilled the time for me to roam in the flashbacks she had described.

The soft gusts of wind caressed my cheeks keeping me refilled with freshness. My gaze was tired of looking up at the clouds. Now, it was resting at the table full of untouched food excluding the bowl of soup I had almost finished before she narrated those moments.

I felt sad for Tara. I felt sad for the pup. But I didn't know if I should feel sad for Karam and that mystic woman or not.

The heart in me was drowned in absolute suspense what could have happened. Two scenarios were occurring in my imagination. With consciousness or without consciousness, it might have happened. I knew that any of the both would hurt me to the core.

I was scared of the unknown truth.

"What happened between her and Karam?" I asked while gulping hard.

Lucine had a tear slipping from her eye which she wiped off her lash. "Even if I had known, I wouldn't have told you." She said, staring up at the clouds. "I told you what I saw with my own eyes. What I knew was the truth."

"She touched you and you saw something, " I said, recalling what she had said to me. I narrowed my eyes. "What were they doing?"

Lucine smiled slightly. "I only saw the beginning of the night. It was just a blink. Even if I had seen everything, why would some words from my mouth bring you peace? At the end of the day, someone who can revive your trust back on Karam is himself only, Misty. Therefore, it is his responsibility to show you the truth, not mine."

I looked away in disbelief and restlessness. A heavy breath escaped my mouth in frustration. I was dying in restlessness to know what exactly that mystic woman did to Karam. 

"Did Tara ever reach the borders?" I asked hopefully while raising my knees to shift my position. My ass was aching from sitting in the same position for so long.

"Ask Karam, " she said while looking at me. Her yellow orbs were so light and crystal. "He will tell you what happened to her after she was gone."

"Weren't you harsh on her? Rosetta has no right to any female like that when she knows what the suffering feels like. Is it so wrong to go to the borders and see your mate's face?" I asked while looking at her in frustration.

"The border attracts both sides and creates the illusion of a happy ending. In the end, the mates only burn in heartbreaks." She said, her face now holding the faint strictness. "Wasting a life like that is no good. Instead, devoting life for the welfare of pack and guiding other females like us, is a better path. Solidarity and peace help in survival."

I tilted my head and blinked in thought. "If lives are so precious for you, then why you let Tara go on some mere mention of lusting for men? It's not like she did it. She was just angry and in pain." I told her.

Lucine stayed quiet when I observed her blank yellow orbs focused on the window.

"I have heard things. I have been told that you and all the Severans insulted Tara, spat on her, and had hit her." I said while remembering Amelia's words. "Is it true?"

The Severan turned her to look in my eyes and pierce my soul. She didn't blink while saying, "Words are hints for our stars, Misty. When the words escape our mouth, Goddess hears them. The stars become aware of what we want, what we don't. The universe starts conspiring against our fates to make our wishes true. What if you said those words in a fun, absentmindedly or without thinking of the consequences. The words might have weight absentmindedly."

I blinked while clenching my jaws.

"She wanted to die. She wanted to be with other men rather than be here. The pain of being a widow had surpassed her sanity, " said Lucine while staring blankly at me. "She said some words that hurt Severa. Because all this time while being here, she was taken care of by her. She spilled water over all the teachings she learned here. She didn't deserve to live here anymore."

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