Two - Pearl

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I sulked, sat with my arms crossed as we travelled down to Weybridge

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I sulked, sat with my arms crossed as we travelled down to Weybridge.  Hunter's driver James had picked us up early. Too frickin early, and trying to get Sylar to acknowledge me was almost impossible—I could compare it to me getting laid... it wasn't happening.

Well now, he was stuck in a car with me for the next hour.  Being the older, obviously more mature one, I needed to fix this. 

I began my assault, delivering one witty line after the other, but ten minutes passed and my patience was wearing thin.

Out of the corner of my eye I could sense him, agitation clung to him like flies on shit.

Damn, could that boy hold onto a grudge?  I needed to up my game to remove that stick wedged up his arse.  

"Are you going to ignore me the entire day?"  He grunted and kept his attention to the outside world passing us by.  

Urgh! About to give up, I ground my teeth, opened my mouth to deliver one last witty line when it hit me.  He didn't look his usual debonair self.  Sat with slumped shoulders in a creased looking shirt, he inhaled a long slow breath.  "Look at me, Sylar."

"Leave it Pearl, I'm not in the mood," he grunted.  He was spending way too much time with Gunner.

I reached over and pulled on his hair to get his full attention.

"Hey, what the?" He finally turned to face me, rubbing his scalp.

Jesus. He looked as rough as a bear's arse.  His hair usually slick was all over the place and stubble grazed his jaw. 

Fuckity Fuck. Was I stressing him out this much?  "What's going on with you and this?" Waggling my finger across his face and clothing.

He sighed. "I said, leave it Pearl."

My spidey sense kicked in.  "Don't bullshit the bullshitter.  Something's going on with you."

I reached over and grabbed his chin, tilting his face towards me.  Dark circles and a tiredness engulfed his normally sharp blue eyes.  "Tell me, talk to me."

He yanked his face away from me, eyes narrowed, I could literally hear his thoughts running a mile a minute.   "Later Pearl, I can't do this now."

"Is it my fault? Are you worried about me?"

"Drop it Pearl," he growled, clenching his hands into fists.

My house guests rippled beneath my skin, the hairs on the arms suddenly electrified. Fuck!

Calm down, breathe, he won't hurt me.

My wolf whimpered and they settled somewhat. Having them make an appearance was not on my things to do today.  "Fine, I'll back off for now. But later, you can be sure I will either sit on you, or beat it out of you. And you know I can—kick your arse in a fight, that is. As long as you don't use your mojo on me!"

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