Thirty Three - Pearl

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The scent of warm blood and flesh was unavoidable on my senses as my wolf finished gorging herself on the small deer we'd killed

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The scent of warm blood and flesh was unavoidable on my senses as my wolf finished gorging herself on the small deer we'd killed. Thankfully, mentally, I could shut myself off and pretend I wasn't eating Bambi.

But that left me to dwell on all the other crazy shit going on in my head and I really wished I could talk to Sage or Sylar. Hell, even Hunter right about now.  I was clearly out of my depth.

Sylar. My chest tightened.  What if the crazy bitch killed him?  How was I going to explain that to Sage?

Fuckity-fuck. My life sucked!

My wolf sat us down and cleaned her canines, rubbing her face along the dirt floor.  I would give her a minute to digest, whilst giving me more time to think, though so far, I'd come up with diddly squat that would help.

Quit moaning.  Think harder!

I needed a plan. One that would help eliminate the witch problem and make sure we safely returned Sylar.  Then focus on Cassius and getting that asshole squatter to leave.

Problem was, Cassius didn't want me to go with him. I'd seen the worry in his eyes afraid he would hurt me.  And if I was honest with myself, I was a little afraid of the Jinn. Nonetheless, my fears of being hurt were nothing compared to idea of being without Cassius, losing him.

So, what to do.  Follow him? That might be tricky, as I didn't know where he was heading.  And there was also the tiny irritation he could get inside my head. He would know.

The Elders! Yes.  They might work a little magic, cloak me so I could follow without him sensing me nearby. I would also have the upper hand if the Jinn took control.  I could help.  Or rather, my squatters could help.  But I wasn't sure how it worked with them?  They had been silent since that energy blast, although I was sure it hadn't killed them.  Perhaps they were asleep?

My wolf stood. You finished, girl? She huffed.  Yeah, she was happy.

Right, I had part of a plan.  Find the Elders. C'mon girl, get your running shoes on.

She wagged her tail.  Head low, feet to the ground, we headed North.

~ ~

My muscles burned as I reached the Elders' border.  Shifting back to human, I wrapped my arms around myself.  "Well, girl, how do I get their attention?"

Didn't think this one through!

Huffing, I called out. "Hello, hello, hello!" Startled birds flew from the trees.  Being early, mist still lingered in the treeline and above the grass and low bushes and the parts in full sunlight were slowly rising, evaporating under the sun's rays.

Partly shielding my eyes, I looked up. It may have been a clear sky, but it was still cold and being butt-naked didn't help. Goosebumps flooded my body as I clenched my jaw to stop my teeth from chattering.

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