Fifteen - Sylar

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Stood outside the pack hospital

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Stood outside the pack hospital. I breathed deeply, rubbing my temples. Tiredness wasn't helping my sudden headache, which was odd as I hadn't had a headache since... Well, I couldn't remember the last time.

But I was sure it had something to do with Willa...

I shivered. Just her name and the image of her face crossing my thoughts had my heart beating from my chest. And fate really worked in crazy ways—this was her pack—her home. My mind detoured as flashes came of her wild, long white hair and petite, curvy body.

As well as my racing heart, there came another feeling... dread. My guts twisted to the point of pain.

Sighing, I'd dreamt of her for months. But now something was different and wrong, very wrong. Seth had told me she had vanished and although he didn't say I sensed his anger and despair at the situation.

But I was here now, I could help find her—no, I would find her. There was no choice in the matter. She needed me and I wouldn't fail her.

Looking around, the air was cooling as I yawned. This day was going on forever and now we were about to head out to visit the Elders.

Hunter and Zander had made it clear to gather as much information as possible on them. But I wasn't concerned with what they wanted. I wouldn't be their spy. Only Willa mattered now... and Pearl.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a sharp intake of breath as Pearl stopped alongside me. She bent over, clasping her chest as if out of breath. "What's the matter with you?" I didn't sense any stress. As she looked up, she rolled her eyes, giving her head a little head wobble.

"You would not believe what I just walked in on... in fact, I think I need to bleach my eyes!" She made a face as she stood up straight.

"What are you talking about, Pearl?" My cousin was quite remarkable at turning any drama into a crisis.

"My worst nightmare just came to life, in high definition no less!" She smirked.

I still wasn't following. "Are you planning on telling me or do I have to guess from your cryptic clues?" I wished I'd not asked as images came thick and fast as Pearl bombarded my brain with Gunner and his pants around his ankles and his mate in a very compromising position. "Holy wolfsbane, Pearl! I did not need to see that... in this lifetime or the next!"

She laughed uncontrollably. "Gotta share Cousin. And the last thing I ever wanted to see was Gunner balls deep... and I'm talking b—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... no-just no! Never mind your eyes, I need to bleach my brain, maybe even a lobotomy!"

Change of subject. "Speaking of mates—where's yours?" Her face broke out into the biggest smile I'd ever seen on Pearl. "I'm guessing things are looking up, huh?"

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