Twenty Seven - Cassius

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My smile was as full as my heart as I listened to my mate curse to herself for the thoughts that were running through her mind

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My smile was as full as my heart as I listened to my mate curse to herself for the thoughts that were running through her mind... thoughts of me.

And I could barely keep up with them. But her thoughts of me mirrored mine for her.


And I couldn't be happier. Pearl was beyond my wildest dreams in my expectation of a mate. Although her language left little to be desired.

She was perfect... mine. And I had claimed her.

Looking at me as she slipped on her shoe.  Her sapphire blue eyes framed by long lashes and dark silky hair. She heated my blood.

"Done." She caught me staring. "I look okay? I don't want to head back with that just been thrown up against a tree and fucked look."

"I like what I see." Smugly, my gaze ate up her lush curves.

"Ah-hu." Pearl wet her full lips, walking toward me with a twinkle of mirth in her eyes. "That look will get you seduced again, Alpha."

She took hold of my hand and held it. I didn't understand why she would want to hold my hand as I lifted our threaded fingers and looked upon it them, as if foreign. "Are you worried I might leave you here?"

Pearl giggled. "You know about holding hands...right?" She smiled up at me forcing my heart to stutter. "This is what couples do. It's nice to hold their hand. And I like some part of me touching some part of you."

I'd held no one's hand before. Sure, I'd grabbed a hand before tugging them along. But I wouldn't deny it felt nice... right.

'You would rather grip her throat, cut her. Taste her sweet blood on your tongue.'

I yanked my hand free to see the smile on her face drop. 'Quiet.' I ordered the spirit, demon, whatever it was.

"Do you not like holding my hand Cassius?" My Dark One looked hurt. It was imperative I kept the spirit—demon under my control. But it seemed intent on plucking memories of my past and bringing them back to the fore. Taunting me. Encouraging me to inflict harm on others.

Breathing deeply I cast them aside.  It's parlour tricks had little to no effect. As Alpha it was my job to ensure I upheld laws and my sister was safe. And sometimes inflicting pain and taking a life was inevitable.

Seemingly not put off it threw out another disturbing suggestion, but not one from my past or that I'd witnessed. This was a picture of me with a knife in hand, cutting open the chest of my mate, bloody spilling onto my hand as her mouth opened and the life slipped from her eyes.

'Stop this.'   It snickered darkly and both I and my wolf growled.

It was becoming crowded in my head.

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