Thirty Seven - Willa

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Hair still damp, I sat on a makeshift bed with Sylar's Wolf,  who lay curled in the corner

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Hair still damp, I sat on a makeshift bed with Sylar's Wolf,  who lay curled in the corner.  I picked at a sandwich had kindly prepared for me.

I'd promised on Pearl's return to shower, eat and maybe rest in my own bed for a short time.  But my brother, Orion, had bounced into the room not thirty seconds following Pearl's departure, insisting I shower before he threw me over his shoulder and dumped me in a vat of ice-cold water.

From the seriousness of his face—he wasn't teasing

Therefore, reluctantly, I'd left my brother with Sylar... alone.

Showering in record time, I dressed but felt too fidgety to sleep. Attempting to sneak out of the pack house, Eve accosted me, handing me a sandwich and a selection of cheeses and berries. Thankfully, I escaped without a lecture on looking after myself—and I could thank  guilt  for that.

She'd hugged me and muttered her apologies.  Her eyes filled with remorse, having somewhat felt responsible for Sylar being taken.

I, in no way held her to account for what happened. The blame lay squarely at my sisters' feet.  Ember... who had paid for her crimes by death at the hands of my brother.

Cassius.  I was desperately trying not to worry about my brother.

One worry at a time, Willa.

On my return to the holding house, a sense of ease filled me as I found neither harmed by the other and, to my surprise, Sylar's wolf had settled, sleeping. Orion was even a little smug that he convinced his wolf to eat a little.

Sitting on the bed, I gave up trying to eat, my appetite left little to be desired.  A low grumble from Sylar had my eyes snapping to attention.  Breath caught, I watched his chest expand and fall. His eyelids flickered. He may have been asleep, but he was still restless.

Slowly, I breathed out.  "Come back to me, Sylar," I whispered.

Sighing, my mind drifted to our last shared kiss in the water, at my parents' cabin.  Running my finger across my lips, my cheeks heated as I replayed the look in his eyes, the desire for me matched by my desire for him.

Tightness spread across my chest. If I could go back, I wouldn't have thrown a childish tantrum as his refusal to mark me. And in hindsight, I shouldn't have been so angry at his reluctance, understanding he wanted to do the right thing by me and my family, uphold our traditions.

My heart squeezed. It took almost losing him to realise how much he cared for me. And over the past two days, whenever Pearl had stopped by, which was every few hours, she had talked endlessly about him and his life in London and how he looked out for her and his family.  It was clear that Sylar always put everyone else's needs before his own. 

When he came back to me, I was going to tell him every single day just how much he meant to me.

I sat my half uneaten sandwich beside me as his Sylar's wolf stirred, a part whimper, part howl tore from his lips and then he was silent again.

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