Forty One - Willa

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"I knew it

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"I knew it." My bare feet paced up and down Seth's study. "I knew she wasn't telling us everything."

Why couldn't she have trusted me?

Seth slumped down in his chair, resigned defeat sat heavily in his gaze. "The Elders said it's the only way."

Was it?   Pearl had to die to save my brother? I couldn't, wouldn't, believe that.  "Why can't the goddess, hitch a ride in Pearl's body.   She was the one to rid Ember of Selene, ripped her soul free of my sister?"

"The demon marked Pearl.  Pearl wont risk any harm to the Alpha."

Oh, but it was okay for her sacrifice herself!  "Her sacrifice will spill into his undoing; he won't recover from this." I knew my brother well enough for this to be true.

Seth tipped his head up, expelling a long, slow breath. "You don't think I know that? But for my part in this. I will welcome my death."

I froze, spinning around to face him. My brother would be unstoppable in his quest to ease his pain. "Don't say that, Seth." Seth was just as much a brother to me as Cassius and Orion. Losing him too would cut a hole deep inside. "I will talk to her. We can try to figure something out."

"There's no changing her mind, Willa. And a part of me understands why she's willing to sacrifice herself."

I cursed under my breath and paced again, unable to keep still. She would do it because Cassius was her mate. I would not hesitate to do the same for Sylar.

"You're gonna wear a hole in the carpet if you don't stop that."

I slowed my pacing, coming to a stop. "There might be one thing we could do."

Seth's gaze cut to mine. "What?" he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. A spark of hope lit his brown eyes.

"Accept my fate." I shrugged. "Become who I was born to be."

Worry replaced his hope. "Willa." He shook his head. "We don't know what will happen. We could lose you too." His words were fraught with pain. "And who's to say she will help?"

"She helped rid us of Selene..."

"Yeah, because it was her crazy sister." He leaned back in his chair. "It doesn't feel right, Willa. Please do nothing rash."

All my life Cassius had been there for me. Protecting me, loving me. Wolfsbane, he lost his sight as a child because of me.

I would do this one thing for him. Save his mate. Give him back his life. "I will visit the Elders, seek their counsel."

Seth grumbled but didn't argue.

A rush of awareness pricked my skin, sending my heart into a flurry of excitement.

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