Six - Pearl

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Getting off the plane, a car was waiting for us

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Getting off the plane, a car was waiting for us.  "What time is it here?" Sure it was early, the sun was barely touching the horizon.

"Local time, around four am," announced Sylar.

Damn, six hours behind the UK, this was gonna be a long-ass day.  Rubbing the back of my neck, I ached from sitting in one position for too long. "Are we heading straight there?"

I yawned, stretching my arms out above my head, hoping we would find a hotel, so I could sleep in a bed for a few hours. Followed by a shower and fresh clothes to make myself look half decent before I met the Alpha that had mysteriously summoned me.

My wolf rose from her slumber, shaking her head. She wanted out, desperate to stretch her legs. 

"Yeah," answered Zander, distracted. 

Good talk!   Anyone would think he wanted to get rid of me quick, sharp. But then again, I'd almost brought the plane down, so I couldn't blame him.

Settling in the car, Zander drove with Gunner up front with me and Sylar sat in the back. Leaning my head against the passenger window, I drifted into sleep. 

My hand rubbed my nose, something tickled me, waking me.  Still half asleep, I became aware of a light touch to my cheek as my hair was shifted from my neck, allowing warm air to brush against my ear... as if someone was whispering to me.

'I'll always find you Dark One...'

What?   Eyes wide, I shot up straight on the seat.  Placing my hand on my cheek I looked toward Sylar, then across to Gunner and Zander.

I could have sworn I'd heard someone whisper and touch me.  

You're crazy, Pearl... crazier than usual.

I relaxed; sure it was just my vivid imagination. My eyes closed, but not a moment passed as something ran up my arm.  

That was not my imagination!   Popping my eyes open. "Hey!" I nudged Sylar.

He jumped, startled.  "What?"

"You touched my arm."

"No, I didn't."

The words came back to me... Dark One.  "And... What did you mean?"

He looked at me weirdly.  "When?"

"Just now, a second ago.  You called me—Dark One."

"Pearl, I haven't got the foggiest idea what you're talking about."

"I heard you, and you messed with my hair." I was sure of it.

He huffed, rolling his eyes. "You're imagining things Pearl; I've not come near you or uttered a word."

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