Twelve - Willa

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I felt grubby, wearing the same clothes I'd left my pack lands in

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I felt grubby, wearing the same clothes I'd left my pack lands in. My hair was dirty, and I was sure something was growing in my socks. 

Sighing, I rubbed at my wrists; the chord around each one was cutting deeper each day. The symbols woven into the material worked some kind of dark magic. Slumping back down on the makeshift bed, I stared up at the moonless sky, unsure how many days had passed since I'd been taken.

Even worse than being kidnapped, I couldn't feel Cassius, my brother, although I knew he would be out of his mind with worry.

Why had I been so stupid?

I knew why—Impatience.

I'd wanted to meet Sylar... my mate.  Our connection through the dream-scape world had become stronger with each passing moon. And the pull I felt towards him clouded my mind to the reality of what I might become when I turned twenty-one and my powers returned. 

I'd been selfish, and now I lay here imprisoned by her. And each day my strength waned because of her and the curse of these stupid wrist bindings.

The her I referred to - my sister. My twin sister, supposedly dead. Ember.

Muttering curses, I shifted to my side, attempting to get comfortable. If I was to escape this place, it would require strength and although I hoped Sylar had sensed my anguish and was trying to find me. Although I was losing faith with each passing night.

Sleep eluded me as my stomach grumbled. Sitting up, I reached for the stale bread my twin had left me. I guess I should be grateful she had left me something to eat as I hadn't seen her for almost a day.

Had something happened to her?

I didn't have to wait long for an answer as the door opened bringing a chill and my sister.

"Ah, I see you 're still awake," she said jovially.

My mouth dropped open. Ember's eyes were wide and wild, her hair matted, and blood stained her dress. Quickly standing on instinct, I moved toward her - only for the chords on my wrists to burn, halting my steps as I hissed in pain.

Ember watched with delight. "I'd be careful if I were you, sweet sister." Her tone mocking. "Wouldn't want to lose those pretty hands of yours."

Looking down at my blistering wrists. I clenched my jaw. "What happened? Why are you covered in blood?"

She shrugged a bag from her shoulder. "Ah, yes, dismembering bodies will do that. Blood gets everywhere—it's ruined my dress." She watched me; a sinister smile teased her lips.

"Who does all the blood belong to Ember?"

"Not to worry, sweet sister. No one you know." She wagged her finger, smirking.  "I took a brief trip to the Blue-Night pack."

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