Three - Wolf

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Standing high on the mountain edge, my eyes scanned the wilderness of Kings Peak, home to me and my kin

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Standing high on the mountain edge, my eyes scanned the wilderness of Kings Peak, home to me and my kin.

A crack of thunder rumbled in the distance as several silhouettes stood out in the outline of the trees to the west of me—Wolves. Two stood almost statue-like while the others surveyed the area. Patrolling our lands.

My claws lengthened, digging into the earth below. The wind whistled around me, greeting my fur, lifting, ruffling. It's song stirred my emotions, turmoil being most dominant and for once the freeness of its caresses did nothing to calm the raging storm about the break the dam inside my mind. 

Where the fuck was she?  And how had I let this happen? 

It was my job to protect her, and yet I hadn't seen this coming.... Ha, hadn't seen it coming.  Good one Wolf!

I shook my head, cursing my own fucking arrogance.

The 'she' in particular—my sister, Willa. I'd had no contact with her for the past two days. In all of her nearly twenty-one years of being on this earth, she had never left our territory. 

And worse still, I couldn't sense her, not sure if she had cut our link deliberately or something had happened to her. I feared the latter.

Guilt tightened like a hangman's noose constricting air to my throat.  I should have listened, been more open to her request. 

But no, I had to be my usual pig-headed, stubborn self. I closed my eyes as our last conversation from four days ago played on repeat.

Four days earlier.  

Willa had stormed into my pack house study, slamming the door behind her.  "Shift, Cassius. We need to talk!"  She was the only one, apart from my parents to use my birth given name or I let talk to me in that manner.  I'd maimed and killed for much less. 

Growling, I stretched out my paws, clawing the sofa beneath as I lowered myself to the floor.  My whole body shook as howls vibrated the walls as I shifted.  The cracking of my bones loosened, re-shaped.  Fur receded as scarred human skin revealed itself.  The sting of the cold air brushed my scorched stretched skin.  The change was taking longer than usual as I hadn't shifted in days... weeks? I couldn't be sure when.  Standing, raising to full height, I cracked my neck, opening my eyes to nothing but blackness, as I inhaled as much air my human lungs could accommodate.

"Here!" She threw my jeans, the sound as they travelled toward me lifted the tiny hairs in my ears, as I raised my hand and caught them.  Willa waited for me to dress.  My skin burned as the harsh cotton material slid across my thighs.

Her short, sharp breaths alerted me to where she stood.  Although it wasn't hard to figure it out as she flopped down onto my sofa, where I'd been content a few moments prior to her intrusion. 

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