Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius

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What the fuck had I done? I had reacted on Willa's instruction and leaped without thought

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What the fuck had I done? I had reacted on Willa's instruction and leaped without thought. huge mistake.

I felt weightless. What if I'd leapt too late, and I'd jumped into nothing? Stuck here between the unknown... dark, cold and unforgiving.

Brows drew together in confusion—where the hell was I?

I sensed I wasn't alone, but I'd never been consumed in utter blackness. Was the witch here too?

The witch—my sister.  My dead sister! I'd only learned of her being alive a few hours ago from the Elders. In their usual frustrating cryptic manner. Whatever they had done to her had returned to repay their recklessness. Tenfold.

In the vortex of obscurity, my eyes caught a pinprick of light as it grew at a rapid rate. From the light I could see the trees and the Elders House... and Pearl knelt on the ground, hovering over one elder.

Pearl... the tether connecting us caressed my wolf's enormous frame. Her name whispered through our shared minds.


A snarl ripped from me as it catapulted me from the void. Landing on all fours, upright, my body righted itself as the hum of energy from the portal dissipated behind me.

Pearl's delicious, sweet scent teased my senses as I found myself momentarily distracted by the roundness of her ass as she bent over an elder. My wolf whimpered at the sight.

Elder Ani?   Fuck!  Blood pumped from her throat as her jaw hung slack. I'd arrived too late.

But what had attacked her?

My eyes visually checked over Pearl for any injury—I sensed none.

Anger rose in me at an alarming rate. Growling, my gaze found Ember who hadn't been ejected from the void as I, she was graceful in her movement but Astonishment darkened her gaze, having not expected to see me.

Claws dug into my neck as from nowhere something landed on my back.

Baring my teeth, I reared on two legs and flung whoever from me as I heard a screech and a thud to the ground. Fury blanketed me as I turned, snarling to see in my surprise the small girl we had brought back from the Blue-Night Pack massacre.

She righted herself quickly but remained crouched on her knees, inching backwards. Blood covered dress as she wiped away more from her mouth. Gone were her pretty blue eyes I'd remembered, replaced with black slits as her lip lifted and she sneered.

"Ahem." Ember said, drawing the girls or thing's attention. "Come." My head shot left as Ember commanded the girl, who growled at me before she sprung towards her.

Pearl let out a desperate cry as her hands hovered, shaking over the Elder. Panic shifted through her frame, along with fear. Elder Ester rushed from the cottage and now dropped to her knees, a gold glowing sphere in her hand as she chanted.

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