Twenty Five - Sylar

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Shit! Shit!

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Shit! Shit! ...Holy Shit!

Think, think. Yes, we just need to get it back inside Pearl.

Sounds simple, right?

Then why do I have this feeling it's going to be the exact opposite?

I stopped pacing and flopped down on the sofa. Pearl sat next to me, remaining quiet for once. Resting my elbows on my knees, my head dropped into my hands.


Hunter and Zander were going to rip me a new one.

And I couldn't understand how Pearl was so calm when every thought running around my brain screamed this was bad. Maybe not today, tomorrow or the next—this was coming back to bite us in the arse.

"We have to get it out." The Elders had forced it from the Alpha yesterday and back into Pearl. However, it had taken all three of them and a whole boat-load of magic essence to do it.

But now they were down to two, would that be enough? And to pile on more pressure, I could only guess when Ester stated it was a time sensitive issue and the longer it set up camp in him—the harder it would be to get it out.

Especially if the Alpha didn't want to give it up.

"I'm hungry." Pearl huffed out.

What? Hungry. How could my cousin think about food?

My head lifted, lips parts as I turned to face her. Still unclear how she could remain calm following the loss of one of the squatters as she called them. I preferred to call it what it was—a fractured, lost soul.

"Pearl, I don't think you understand how serious this is. I felt him... it. This is a terrible thing."

"I can say sorry till I'm blue in the face, Sylar." It was her sixth or seventh apology. "But it wasn't exactly my fault and he seems okay. And it never did me any harm?" Shrugging, she eyed my plate with a half-eaten sandwich sitting on the arm of the sofa where we sat in one of the pack houses.

"Are you going to finish that?"

I reached for the plate and handed it over. "Help yourself."

She grinned as she took a bite. "Thanks. And look at it this way." She said with her mouth half full "With that crazy bitch..." she swallowed.

My wolf growled, claws extending as a ripple of his distaste for the disrespect toward whom he considered his true mate.

"Fuckity-fuck! Okaaay, someone is sensitive. Sorry, sorry." She held up her hand in submission before continuing. "The witch. Mate number two. It's pretty obvious we're gonna need all the help we can get to stop her." She took another bite. "And he was happy Sylar, thrilled." She sighed dreamily. "And when we made lo—"

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