Eleven - Pearl

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I pushed him off me, wiping my hand across my mouth "What the fuck Orion

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I pushed him off me, wiping my hand across my mouth "What the fuck Orion... Why do that?"

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Pearl? That sort of language isn't very ladylike." He said with a cocky smirk plastered across his lips. 

My mother hadn't stuck around long enough to breastfeed, never mind lecture me on my potty mouth.

And if he tried something like that again, then I'll happily wipe that smug look from his face.

"Make no mistake, Orion. Do that again and I'll show you what a lady from London really looks like when I insert my knee into your balls. Comprend moi?" I'd picked up some French from Sage.

"Comprend what?" Orion threw back his head and laughed, planting his hands on his hips. "I'll take that into consideration, but damn, you taste as good as you smell." He ran his tongue across his bottom lip. 

"It means Understand me... we clear?" I narrowed my eyes, wishing I had the gift of being able to shoot lasers from my eyes.

He stopped laughing and finally seemed to understand I was pissed at him.

"Damn! My brother's gonna have his hands full with you!" He chuckled, obviously amused with himself.  "Anyway, I was actually trying to help you, albeit in a creative and fun way."

What the hell did that mean? "H-helping?" I spluttered.

"Yeah, I sent my brother a vivid image of me and you..." he smirked again. Smug bugger! "... I'm sure you can figure it out, Pearl."


"You're messing with me, right?" Why did I have to pick up the stupid one? "Please tell me crazy doesn't run in your family?"


"Yes, crazy!  Won't that send him mental?  He went batshit crazy when I mentioned his blindness—don't you think this will send him nuclear... on your arse?"

He looked like he hadn't given that any thought. "Yeah, maybe, but—"

Both our heads shot in the direction of the door, the insistent knocking slightly worrying. "Open up Orion!"

Was that Seth's voice? 

Orion took his time walking towards the door.  Opening.  Seth flooded into the room, making it feel so much smaller.  He pushed Orion backwards so hard he stumbled and had to spread his arms to steady himself.  

Orion's face morphed to thunder as he straightened himself and pushed Seth back. "Don't fucking touch me, Seth!" he growled. "And what's your fucking problem?"

Seth didn't budge an inch. The man was like a slab of stone! A furious slab of stone as I watched the pulse in his neck and temple throb—double time.

Seth threw his hands up. "What in the goddess's name possessed you to taunt your brother like that?" He ran his hand across his forehead, cursing under his breath. "You need to disappear, and I mean now—he's not in control.  His wolf has taken the reins and he is baying for blood—Your blood!"

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