Twenty Three - Pearl

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My big, bad sexy Alpha snored adorably as I tucked into the side of him

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My big, bad sexy Alpha snored adorably as I tucked into the side of him.

Now wide awake, I couldn't sleep. I'd managed half-hour before waking up as my mind was a buzz of activity and happily rerunning our explosive sex. I swear bells were ringing out somewhere in the world, rejoicing at my dry spell ending.

Okay that may have been an exaggeration... but what was true was my Charlie's days were well and truly numbered. Never again would I need his services.

I was satiated. My vagina quenched, and my wolf was relaxing, not even demanding to come out and play.

So it didn't matter that I couldn't relax, or I'd hardly slept for two days. I was strung out on endorphins and it was kinda difficult to sum up every emotion that was running through my mind and body.

Never had it been like that. Was this another mate thing?

Sage had said it was different with Hunter from her other lovers. The urge to call her up and quiz was nearly overwhelming—wanting confirmation of my feelings.

Nah, I didn't need confirmation from anyone. This was the real thing. It had to be. I'd touched no one and had electric sparks shoot across through my entire body or damn well near melt my brain.

And my wolf was sure never being this content before. Yep, everything was perfect. Inhaling his heavenly scent deep into my lungs another wave of arousal flushed through me. My nipples tightened and the tender muscles of my vagina pulsed as my entire body became sensitive to the driving needs they had deprived it of for so long.

Spank me pink. I could do it all again—and again!

An idea of straddling him, waking him with whispers of what I wanted to do to him, unfolded.

Still tucked under his arm, my hand moved across his chest. Lifting a finger, I drew small hearts, unable to curb my silly grin.

A girl could get use this... most definitely.

A different need sent my mind in another direction. I wanted to know every little detail about him. What made him tick. What he loved. Lifting my head, I watched him sleep. Yeah, maybe a little creepy, but what the hell – he was mine, and no way was I ever letting him go.

I could watch him for hours. When awake he was magnificent, with a fierceness that was untamed and slightly intimidating and a whole lot sexy. But asleep, it softened him, almost beautiful to look upon.

Tempting to reach up and run my hand across his stubbled jaw, his eyebrows furrowed, then relaxed, and his lip twitched as he mumbled something I didn't catch.

Was he dreaming?

How cute was that?

He made a little satisfied grunt, and I settled back down with an even bigger smile on my face as I returned to trace my finger across the hard planes of his chest, letting my mind wander to different ways I could seduce him.

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