Twenty Eight - Willa

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We were going around in circles

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We were going around in circles.  My brother wasn't going to shift on this. 

"This conversation ends now. My decision is final." Cassius slammed his hand on the table, the vein in his temple double tapping as he pushed up from his chair, scraping it across the tiled floor; like chalk on a board, forcing me to wince. He muttered something under his breath before stalking toward the door, opening it with such force the hinges creaked and bent.

Pearl shot up from her seat just as quickly following him outside.

Elder Ester and Olive stole a side glance, as I sighed but took comfort in the squeeze of my hand in Sylar's.  Leaning into him, his warm woodsy scent with hints of cinnamon calmed me more than what I believed possible.

"He'll be okay, we'll fix it," he whispered.

"Your confidence is admirable although wishful young Sylar,"  said Elder Ester, laying her hands flat, palms down on the table.  "Willa, you must watch over your brother. I fear—" she stopped as Elder Olive placed her right hand over Ester's.

I forced a smile. "Perhaps he can control it, just like he said."  The words sliced into my throat as Elder's faces dropped with grim apprehension.

Ester continued. "He is stubborn, and it's his pig-headedness to protect you... us all that will ultimately lead to his own demise, and yours, Willa." She sighed.  "That, we cannot allow."

Her words cut me to the bone. Cassius and I shared a bond and his death would result in mine.

"If he dies...Willa dies?"  asked Sylar, panic stricken.

"We will prepare the spell to separate the bond between the two of you. Although this in itself carries a risk, you are old enough that I feel it's the lesser of two worries."

I had to face the truth; they were right. The spirit inside my brother wanted control of him. 

Why?  I didn't know.

"Is there no other way?"

"Seek out your sister.  End this madness," said Elder Olive.

That was easier said than done.

"Olive speaks wisely and we will consult the oracles to attempt to locate her." 

I was sure they would not find her easily. "Perhaps Pearl can talk some sense into him?"

"Can you not do a spell to force him to relinquish it, make it leave?"  Sylar suggested. "In fact get rid of it full stop?"

She shook her head. "That time has passed.  Unknowingly, he accepted the deal offered, and until the natural order is restored by his own will.  It will weaken him.  What the Alpha will perceive as an advantage is just another way for the Jinn to take what it needs from him."

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