Boss Bitch

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We had fallen asleep all morning and afternoon. I mean, we literally slept all day. But you know what? It was totally worth it. I woke up around 2:50 in the afternoon. I was still laying on his chest.

I lifted my head slowly as my eyes adjusted to the light. Thank god I had taken off my contacts, they sure as hell would have gotten lost in my eyes somewhere if I didn't. Logan looks so handsome sleeping.

I needed to pee badly. I got up, looked around for my clothes, but decided on wearing his t-shirt instead. I placed on his shirt and went quickly to the bathroom. After I took care of business and wincing at the slight burn from how sore I was, I washed my face and teeth.

I was so damn glad Logan had extra toothbrushes still new in the cabinet. I rinsed my mouth, combed my hair with my fingers, and walked slowly back to bed. God, I'm so damn sore. But I was so happy right now. If I thought he was the best kisser, damn, he's even better in bed.

Just thinking of what we did all night makes me want to go at it again, regardless of how sore I am.

I moved the duvet and cuddled next to him again. Just as I was closing my eyes again, I heard a faint buzz. I figured it was my phone or his. I went over to my, I mean, His hoodie I wore last night, picking it up from the floor, and grabbed my phone.

I had tons of notifications from Facebook. I swiped the screen, pressed my password, and tapped on my Facebook app. I was taken aback when it said over a hundred messages on a picture Logan had tagged me.

"What?" I wondered what this meant. I pressed on one of the notifications and then pressed to view the posted picture. My eyes went widened and my mouth gawked open as I saw a picture of me laying shirtless on the bed.

"Ho-ly shit!" I whispered. I covered my mouth ad he stirred a bit.

"Damn! Logan? Why would you post this? Fuck my mom is going to be so pissed off." I glanced over the picture again and sighed." Well, it actually is a good picture of me." I groaned and sat on a chair next to the nightstand.

I looked through the messages and couldn't stop laughing. I had gotten really upset when I saw the picture, but reading all these cool messages made me change my mind, just a bit.

There was even a message from Emily, but I'm sure her dad wrote it using her account, it read "Well, I could bench your ass next game for lying to me about a doctor's appointment. But! I get your reasons, our queen's come first. Be a good boy and take care of your queen. It's double training for you when you get back." I held my hand to muffle my giggles. I gotta say that coach Mitchell is the best coach in the world!

Everyone had left comments stating how cute we were as a couple, how happy they were for us, and a few more blunt ones telling Logan they hoped he'd use a condom, which we did. The only bad comments, of course, were from Amber.

She went commenting I was a skank and a whore, which she was probably fuming at how many replied saying she was a hater. Many told her she was the least that should be calling me a whore, telling her to be a hater and get over herself.

I'll admit, her words hurt a bit. But soon as we get back, she's got a surprise coming. Being with Logan gave me more confidence in what I want in life. I am not going to let her talk down on me again. I was now willing to stand up to her, no matter what.

I decided on leaving a comment to add salt to her imaginary wound.

'Logan, last night was the best night of my life! I love you more than ever and can't believe how amazing you are. Now to wake you up for breakfast!"

I snapped a picture of myself wearing Logan's T-shirt and posted it with the comment. Yes, I was risking it, but I was not going to let her keep ruining us.

I finished typing my comment, smiled like the badass bitch I was willing to be now, and went over to wake my baby.

I lifted the covers off him and noticed he was hard. Damn! No wonder I was so damn sore, and it hurt like a mother- that thing was huge. I bit my lip and debated on what I was going to do next.

"Well! You wanted to try it last night anyway Soph. He said no because it was our first time. But now, he's sleeping. He won't be able to protest and say no. Besides, he owes me for posting that damn picture." I went over, hovering over him, and climbed on top of that bad boy.

Was I sore as fuck? Yes! But I was also turned on seeing him fully erect. He grunted as he felt me slide him inside. "Fuck." He whispered as I begin to thrust myself on top of him. It hurt a little from the soreness, but it was a beautiful mix from the amount of pleasure it felt.

I rocked my hips and slowly took my shirt off. His head tilts back, as he slowly holds my waist helping me to move on top of him. He was so gentle with me last night. But we both know, we woke up a beast inside of each other. An insatiable beast that wants more.

I began to speed up making him grunt. His hands gripped my thighs tighter and he lifts himself more, making him go deeper inside me. I tilt myself back a bit and gasp as I feel him in my g-spot. It feels so good. I moan as the pleasure mounts and makes me feel like I'm floating. His hands go over my breasts realizing I was completely naked on top of him.

" fuck! Sophie. . .you feel so good baby." He utters out as I rock my hips faster and faster. I gawk my mouth open as I realize the faster I moved, the better it felt, making the soreness less noticeable and more satisfactory.

After a few more times, he rises, hugging me and throwing me on the bed, changing our position. This time, he doesn't hold back. He thrusts deep and fast inside of me. His hands held me tight around my hip bones, pulling me towards him. My head tilts back as I grip the sheets tight in my hands and bite my lip to muffle my moans.

"Oh god, Logan! I'm almost there." He grunts and speeds up as he hears my cry. Just as I arch my back and let myself go, the feeling of my climax makes him come as well.

He lets out a loud grunt as he thrusts inside, spilling himself inside me. My arms grip him tight around his neck as he buries his face on the curve of my neck.

"Damn! Sophie. . .talk about a wake-up call! That was. . . ."

"Wow!" We both say in unison and laugh.

I bite my lip as he caresses my face and removes my hair away from my face.

"We didn't use a condom did we?"

I nod as we both realize he finished inside of me. "It's ok. Babe, we both have to be more responsible next time. I'm sure nothing will happen, but if you want. Just to be on the safe side, we can get the plan b pill. Do you want that?" He asks, concern written all over his face.

I bite my lip at how wonderful he is and nod in agreement. He smiles and kisses my nose. He slowly glides out of me, making me miss the feel already.

"Come on. It's late, people are probably starting to wonder where we are. Let's get you a warm shower and get ready to go.


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