You're Getting A What?

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After the day we had been wrongfully accused by what's her face, Logan and I became more inseparable. We longed for alone time to give in to each other.

The more fun we had, the less it hurts to have sex with him. I was getting used to his- well. . . . size! If you know what I mean!* wink wink*

I loved being intimate with him.

Though after my aunt left, my mom and dad, along with Riley- yelled at us. They were thankful that we were cautious. We of course left the last details of the last session of unprotected sex.

But they gave us the whole unprotected sex talk and warned Logan not to get me pregnant.

Mom was a young mom as well. She had me when she was just 16 years old. Dad was days before turning 18 when she got pregnant. The reason why I knew about the Romeo and Juliet Law. She and dad did the same.

They struggled to make ends meet at first. But they had great friends like Brianna and Jake Mitchell to help them get back on their feet.

They didn't want Logan and me to be in the same predicament. They wanted us to do things right. To be responsible, knowing we were young and in love and sooner or later we were bound to give in to each other.

Logan and I went to the clinic the next day. I got the morning-after pill and decided to go on birth control.

The day I took the pill, it made me nauseous. I was sick the whole day. The nurse had sent me home. Logan came straight to my house after practice and got a warm press for my stomach. He laid by me the whole night rubbing my back and soothing me.

He was a true prince charming. He tended to my every need.

It's a week before my birthday and I wanted to do something before my birthday.

I turn myself on my stomach. Logan was laying on my bed, reading a book. I had been laying on his stomach, between his legs. He placed the book down and smiled.

"Ok. That mischievous smile tells me either one of two things. Either you want to have a little fun with me right now, or you got a crazy idea on that pretty little brilliant mind of yours. So what is it? Please say it's number one?"

I bit my lip and looked towards the heavens pensively as I squinted my nose and closed an eye.

"I do want to have sex with you. But! I was thinking. . . .I want to get a tattoo before my birthday. But I'm not sure what to get. What do you think?" He tilts his head and narrows his eyes pensively as well.

"You. . . . . want to get a tattoo. Really?" He responds quizzically. I loved looking at his tattoo, and if you're wondering if it was dedicated to me? Yes. He told me he got it thinking of me.

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