My Baby Is All Grown Up

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We made our way through the hallway. I held Charlie with my right hand and Sophie's hand with my left. She was too busy scrolling through her phone, checking her emails when we got to the steps.

I decided to take her phone away, turning it off and placing it in my back pocket. She pouted and gave me her puppy eyes, making me laugh, "You'll eat first. Then you can have your phone back. You need food in you if you're taking off for your spa day, ok?" She sighed, pursing her lips.

"Ok. Fine." She looked down like a five-year-old who'd just gotten in trouble. I smiled, pulling her to my chest and kissing her forehead. "Come on. Let's see what's for breakfast." I took her hand, kissed her knuckles, and began to walk downstairs.

I was feeling jittery at the thought of her reaction once she glanced towards the kitchen. My heart beating rapidly in my chest, my hands felt clammy and I couldn't help the big smile on my face.

I couldn't wait to see her reaction. I know her mom, Hailey hasn't been feeling well. This is why she has been going to New York often. She has been going to a specialist out there to take care of her. I promised Hailey I'd keep her secret from Sophie until she's ready to tell her.

We turned the corner from the steps, everyone yelled in unison, making Sophie gasp in suspense. "SURPRISE!"

"OH my God!" She giggled, her eyes wide open, her hand over her heart. I loved the bright smile she wore on her face.

"Mom!" She quickly jogged towards Hailey, engulfing her with a tight hug. My heart ached a little for them. I didn't want to imagine Hailey ever being missing from our lives. I smiled and walked over, behind Sophie.

"Dad, I thought you guys were in New York, you two. . . .you tricked me!" She laughed, hugging her dad, and embracing everyone after that. They all smiled and congratulated her.

"I know. Sorry sweetheart. In my defense, it was all Logan's idea." Her dad gestured with his hands in the air, making me chuckle.

She walks over to me, a bright smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around me. "Can you be any more perfect? I love you. You know that?" She whispered, kissing my lips.

"Ok, cone on everyone. It's getting a little late, the pre-birthday girl needs to eat and get ready to be on her way." Mom calls out, signaling everyone to take a seat around the table.

Everyone began to take a seat. I decided to help bring the trays with food. I walked to the kitchen island and grabbed the tray full of pancakes, Hailey was next to me grabbing the syrup and strawberry jam.

"How are you feeling today, Hailey?" I said with a smile, though I was concerned with her health.

"I'm doing good today Logan. I'm ok. Thank you for all this Logan. Sophie looks so happy. I couldn't have asked for more. My baby girl is all grown up. Seems like yesterday when we first brought her home from the hospital. I just hope God allows me to see her having her babies one day."

"And you will Hailey. You have a great doctor taking care of you. Everything will be ok." I smiled, but I couldn't help giving her a concerned look.

"I'm fine Logan. I am, honestly. Now, let's go celebrate my baby girl." She patted me on my shoulder, making me smile.

We ate together as a family, enjoying the company and making jokes, remembering silly stuff from our earlier years. I wanted to remember this moment for later days. To look back on a happy moment on a gloomy day.

I know harder days are coming. I have a gut feeling that things were going to be a bit bumpy up ahead. But for now, I just wanted Sophie's day to be perfect.


After we ate, dad grabbed my hand and hugged me. He and mom have been acting oddly strange. I figured it was mostly because I had told them I was accepted into USC. Though my first choice is Stanford, followed by NYU. I guess each day that gets us closer to graduation day is a day closer to me leaving for college. It makes me a bit melancholic as well.

I plan on talking to Logan every single day, without a miss. I hope to be able to call mom and dad every day as well. I mean, I haven't even made up my mind what college I will be attending and I am already starting to miss them.

"Sweetheart, I know this isn't much to offer you now. But mom and I got you a little present." He placed a black velvet box in my hands. I smiled leaning over and kissing him on his cheek.

I opened the box to reveal a beautiful pandora charm bracelet. Mom had a pandora bracelet herself. It had all kinds of charms, two boys, one for each of my brothers. A puppy head for Charlie, (I guess they knew about Charlie too) it had a book since I loved reading. A charm of a wolf to signify my school's mascot, a heart with the initials L&S for Logan and me, and a pink ribbon. My grandma had died of breast cancer when I was small, I was close to her, just like I am with mom now.

"I love it, daddy, thank you." I hugged him and mom tightly. I don't know how I will ever make it without these two. I love my parents so much.

After we finished celebrating and we all pitched in to clean up, we headed up to change. Lexie was already in the living room talking with Aunt Ruth when I went down holding Logan's hand. I had my small purse with all the gift cards Logan had gotten me, my cell phone, and my ID. Meghan and Ashley came down right behind me.

"Ok, are you sure you brought everything with you?" Logan was anxious about the whole thing. Though I honestly wanted him to go with me as well.

"Yes," I reassured him.

"All the gift cards?"


"The card for lunch?"

I giggled nodding my head, "yeah."

"What about my credit card?" He raised an eyebrow looking at me sternly.

"Logan, I already told you, I am not taking your credit card or your bank card. I got this. You already gave me a-"

He sighed, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "God, woman! I already told you it's no big deal. Now, where did you leave it?"

"Logan, I am not taking it!" I said sternly.

He pulls me into a hug and kisses my lips. "If you don't take it, I'm taking Charlie back to its owner. Got it?"

I gawked my mouth open. He did not just threaten me with my baby!

"What? You can't take my baby!"

"I can. And I will. If you spend one penny of your money, I'll take that little mutt back. GOT IT!" He came close to my face and whispered in a stern voice.

I pouted and stomped my foot. "Fine. Please don't take back Charlie?"

"You're gonna be a good girl and listen to me?"

I sighed and pouted my lips giving him puppy eyes. "Ok," I answered defeated.

He chuckled kissing me on my forehead, " Good girl."

He walked away towards the room and came back quickly with his card, handing it to me. "Ok, you know my pin. USE IT!" I whined unwilling to take his card.

"Charlie, we're going for a ride." He mocked me, his eyes on Charlie while Meghan held Charlie in her arms.

"Ok. Ok. Ugg, you're so evil." I frowned, wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my head on his chest.

"Very evil baby. Very EVIL!" He wrinkled his nose and chuckled sarcastically evil.

"Mmmh, fine. I love you Satan, I'll be back later." He chuckled and kissed my lips.

"Love you, babe. Now get out of here, go have some fun." He placed his car keys on my hand, turned me around,  pushing me lightly towards the door, and slapped my butt.

Now, to go shopping, and enjoy a nice relaxing day at the spa.


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