You Make Me Want To Thrive

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(2 weeks later)

Good and bad news for you guys. Mrs. Patterson is recovering beautifully. Slowly- but beautifully. Her last radiation is in a few weeks, just before Valentine's.

Our schools trip to Barcelona for the first time in years includes most football players.

We were in the middle of championships for the state, thinking we would win, but I'm afraid we lost big time.

I kid you not- this is the second time our school actually gets to go to state play-offs this far during my four years in college.

Last year we went all the way past the second game, but our team lost big time to a school in the northern part of Tennessee.

We were on our fourth game going strong towards the middle of January when I sprained my ankle mid-game. From there, it went downhill. We lost the game, and then more.

So now that the year is officially over for us- for now! Coach announced the school to move forward with the trip to Barcelona.

It's awesome out here.

We have been out here for ten days. Two more days before we head back to the U.S.

At first, we were given a sheet with all the sights and areas we were supposed to go out, explore, and write a little something about and turn it into our professors when we came back to the hotel room.

Steven decided not to come to the trip, or more like he wasn't allowed to. He was failing a class and was not allowed to go by his mom. I told him it would happen- asshole didn't believe me. His mom is extremely cautious with his academia.

Sophie and I have gotten along really well. Since my ankle is still a bit sore, she refuses to leave my side. She will walk next to me without letting me exhaust myself and makes sure I don't get hurt.

I gotta say that I love the treatment. Maybe I should have sprained my ankle sooner? I love all the attention she's giving me.

Also, Dylan and Troy are doing great if you need to know. They didn't come to the trip either, but Sophie and I skype with them every night, or morning, whatever the time is over there now.

Now for the bad news, I told you there'd be good and bad.

Mom's case is not looking good. Dad has a lot under his wing, and is making her look real bad in front of the judge. We had a hearing already and it made mom look like she neglects Ashley all the time since she's always busy with her catering business. Dad also blamed her for child endangerment because she likes helping out and says she enslaved Ash by making her work without pay.

It's bad. It's really bad.

But it's not over yet! Dad hasn't claimed victory yet so, whatever.

Anyway, another bad news. Though Y and Dylan are doing great, things are not so great all the time.

Since T has come out, and word got out that he and Dylan are dating, they have been harassed and bullied by many students in and out of school.

T tried to play it cool with our last conversation but Sophie was able to see the bruise on his jaw.

When I talked to Dylan one on one, he clarified that T had been attacked by some assholes while walking to his car after having dinner with Dylan's dad the other night.

I can't wait to go back home. I want to find out who the hell it was that attacked him and beat the crap out of them.

Also, another bad news, Ashley has been living with dad for the past three days.

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