From Bad To Worst

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Sophie (One Week After the Breakup)

I've been laying in bed for I don't know how long. Could be days, or maybe just hours. My head keeps hurting every time I move, and my whole body gives out when I try to stand.

I don't have the stomach to eat a bite, regardless of how much my mom begs me to. She came home yesterday and has been on edge because of what happened between Logan and me.

Mrs. Michaelson had called the school and lied on my behalf, telling them I was ill. No one seemed to question her ever, so they simply let it be. Perks of being a well-respected member of this town.

Lexie has been coming daily to bring my work from school for me to do. It's still sitting on my desk, untouched, and unbothered.

Logan has sent me a few texts, but I can't bear to see them. I'm sure they are full of hateful words and menacing thoughts. My heart is too overwhelmed with everything. A part of me wishes it was just a bad dream. I keep hoping to wake up soon and see Logan next to me in bed. Hoping that he's holding me tight in his arms as he did every night.

I can't help but cry each time a memory of us being together comes to mind.

I miss him so much.

T has come by every day after school to try to talk to me. I just can't talk to him right now. So I keep avoiding opening the door for him.


A faint knock disturbed my moping of misery. "Sophie, it's me, T. Please Sophie, talk to me. I'm sorry Soph. Please, I'll do anything, anything you want. Just, please, talk to me. Yell at me, punch me in the face as Logan did. I know I deserve it. Just say something to me, please?" His voice vibrated on the reverse side of my door.

I love T. He's my best friend after all. But- I had just lost the love of my life for trying to keep his secret.

What hurt me most is that he had the opportunity to come clean, to tell Logan the truth. Logan would have understood, I know he would. Things would have been clear that there has never been any type of attraction between T and me.

Yet, he decided to stay silent about it.

I know I made him a promise to never reveal his secret until he was ready to do so himself. But I never thought it would cost me so much.

"Please, Sophie. I know you're in there. Please open the door and talk to me." His voice sounded broken. He has probably cried a few tears himself, but I was indifferent to him at this moment.

I just wanted to be left alone. To drown in my sorrow until I couldn't anymore.

I wasn't sure how long that would be. But I do know I was not ready to talk to him yet.

Troy stood out there knocking on my door for a long time. I'm sure he was out there for a few hours since it started to get dark outside. When he finally left, he slid a note under my door and said goodbye.

"Sophie, I promise I'll fix this. I swear on my grandma, I will fix this. For you, for Logan, and Dylan. I'm sorry bestie. I love you. I'll be back tomorrow."

That's the last I heard from him.

Mom came in and ran her fingers through my hair a few minutes after T had left.

She knew I didn't want to talk to him. I had talked plenty on the phone with her when it had just happened over the phone. She would have come back immediately, but she had probably been so busy with all her appointments that I didn't want her feeling guilty and told her to stay.

"Sweetheart, don't you think you're being hard on him? You guys have been best friends since 8th grade. I know he has most fault for this breakup, but you can't allow yourself to lose both Logan and Troy. You need to get up and stand your ground baby. You need to show them that you can stand tall and brave despite this obstacle. I know it hurts. He was your first love, after all, but you have to go on baby. Show them how strong of a woman you are. Don't let anything see you defeated."

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