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I STAYED UP almost all night pondering over everything I was told today

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I STAYED UP almost all night pondering over everything I was told today.

First, Vampires exist, creatures I thought were just myths and folklore are real, and I'm staying in a castle with God knows how many of them.

Secondly, I have three soulmates, who are kings, and vampires. Vampire kings.

I fell asleep soon after the sun began shining through the window.

I'm currently trying to keep my eyes open while eating the breakfast Jane dropped off, she also told me that I need to be ready in an hour—she didn't tell me what for.

I sigh and place my fork down, I stand up and stretch out my cramped muscles. I slowly make my way towards the bathroom.

I close the door behind me, slightly waking up as my bare feet hit the cool tile floor.

I remove my clothes before stepping into the shower, I turn the nozzle all the way to hot, but the heat made me even more tired, I sigh and turn it to cold.

I pull the shampoo off of the shelf and squirt some into my hand—the scent of strawberries fill the shower. The aroma is comforting. I find myself relaxing, my muscles loosen up and I feel more awake as the cool drops of water hit my face.

By the time I turn the water off, I'm feeling fully energized. I wrap a fluffy white towel around my figure and step onto the floor, being cautious of my wet feet. I slowly walk out of the bathroom—trying not to slip and fall on my face.

I pull the door open and walk out into the room, coming to the realization I don't have any clothes, I quickly spin around, searching for a dresser or something, my eye soon catches a glimpse of a little door, I quickly walk over and pull it open. Thankfully, its a closet.

The closet is full of every type of clothing, I grab a shirt and a pair of jeans. I want to look through the closet some more—but I'd be there for hours. I sigh and close the little door, I drop the towel and quickly slide my shirt on, pulling on the jeans next. I'm slightly surprised at how well everything fits. What are the chances that the previous owner of this room is the same size as me?

Before I can even think about it any further, theres a knock at the door.

I clear my throat, "Come in."

The door opens and Aro steps into the room, he smiles at me.

"Aro- hi." I blink before stepping towards him.

He smiles even wider and I found myself smiling, "Good morning, Isadora. How did you sleep?"

I let out a quick short laugh and sigh, "Not too well." I shrug.

A little frown pulls down at the corner of his lips, "Why not?"

I look down at my feet, "My mind was too full, I guess."

Aro sighs, "I knew we should have waited to tell you, I am sorry."

I quickly look up, "Don't feel bad, I'm fine."

He looks like hes about to apologize again, so I begin talking over him, "So, what are we doing?"

He pauses for a second, "I was thinking we could go to the library."

I grow excited at the thought of seeing all those books again, I nod quickly and hurry to the door.

I can barley hear Aros light footsteps behind me.
I have a question, if you don't mind." Aro is suddenly next to me.

I look up at him, "What's up?"

"Are you not scared? Of me—of my brothers? You seem to be taking this surprisingly well." He sounds almost nervous, though I can't be sure.

"I'm used to weird stuff, so, no." I answer.

"How so?" He asks.

"It's complicated." I feel guilty not telling him, but I just can't.

I can feel Aros eyes burning into the side of my face, I keeping my eyes forward.

The familiar doors soon come into sight, Aro holds one of the doors open for me, just like the day before, I send him a quick smile before stepping into the library.

I'm just as amazed as I was yesterday, the thousands of books still shock me. I've never been much of a reader, but suddenly, I feel like reading every book in here.

I walk further into the library, scanning the books—most of them are in a foreign language that I can't understand.

I grab one and read the cover—or try to, at least. It looks like the words are in Greek.

"That is one of my favorites, it has been around for centuries." Aro tells me.

I hand him the book, "Wanna read it to me?"

Aro chuckles, "It's in Greek, you wouldn't understand a word."

"Okay... translate it then." I shrug.

"You're very stubborn." Aro says, he grabs my hand and pauses, waiting to see what I may do I assume, I smile and lead him towards a desk. We sit down and Aro opens the book.

He begins reading, I feel very relaxed listening to the Greek words I don't understand flow out of his mouth.

I lay my head on my arms, soon my eyes become droopy, I close them and fell asleep.


"YOU MADE HER fall asleep?" An angry voice whispers harshly. "How boring can you be?" I recognize the voice as Caius's.

"She was already tired." Aro says back just as harshly.

I lift my head up and glare at them, "You two are loud." I yawn and stretch my arms out, a cracking sound fills the quiet room.

"We didn't mean to wake you." Caius lowers his voice.

I chuckle, "It's fine. Sorry for falling asleep on you, Aro."

Aro smiles at me, "No worries."

"Are you ready, Isadora?" Caius asks.

I give him a confused looked, "For?"

Caius looks back at Aro, "You were supposed to tell her," he sighs and turns back towards me, "you're spending a few hours with each of us today."

"Oh," I stand up and yawn once more, "okay."

Aro opens the book, "Goodbye, Isadora."

"Bye, Aro." I say before Caius places a hand on my lower back—my cheeks flush at the contact—and directs me out of the library.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we walk the opposite direction Aro and I took to the library.

Caius smiles down at me, "You'll see."

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃, 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now