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I SIT ON my bed, staring out the window

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I SIT ON my bed, staring out the window. Catching slight glimpses of the golden rays of sunshine leaking in.

The Kings are all in different parts of my room. We cane in here after I told them this is where I felt like I was being stalked.

Aro is at my desk, looking through the different books I own.

Caius is perched at the end of my bed.

And Marcus is sat in the rocking chair in the corner of my room.

My mom used to rock with me in that rocking chair when I was young. And as I got older, she would sit in it and talk with me.

I smile at the thought. For once, not feeling sadness. Its almost like they take the sadness away from me. Leaving me in a constant state of bliss.

I guess he catches me smiling brightly to myself because soon hes next to me, asking what I am so happy about.

His question catches the attention of the other two.

"I was just thinking about my mom." I answer, my smile growing larger as I speak.

Aro gives me a look, he seemed slightly confused. He's definitely seen through my thoughts how upset I get at the thought of my parents.

"You were?" Aro sits down next to me on my bed, it dips down at his weight.

I nod, "Yeah, I was just thinking of how she used to hold me in that chair," I nudge my head towards the corner of my room, "and all of the talks we use to have while she sat there once I grew too big for her to rock with me." I chuckle.

It feels weird talking about my mom and not feeling sad about it. It almost makes me feel guilty. Almost.

"Ah, yes." Aro says, like he just remembered. He stands up with his hands clasped in front of him and a smile on his alabaster face.

"Anyways," I try changing the subject in case the good feeling I'm having disappears the more we talk about it, "I kinda felt like someone was watching me from that window." I point at the large square window that has warm light leaking in.

That window faces out towards a large forest that always, and still does, gives me the creeps.

They all fit towards the window, looking outside with curious expressions painted on their faces.

Caius is the first to speak up. "Are you sure it wasn't an animal of some sorts?"

"Perhaps a bird?" Aro suggests.

I look up at them with pursed lips, "I guess it could have been."

"We will still send more guards, just in case." Caius informs, plopping down on my bed.

"You don't have to do that," I shake my head, "like you said, it's probably just an animal."

"Just in case." He repeats as he grabs my hand.

I sigh, giving in, as I lay my head down on his shoulder, "Okay. If it makes you feel better."

He tightens his grip on my hand comfortingly, "It does."


I SPEND THE rest of the night enjoying my time with the Kings, of course, I eventually lulled to sleep.

But now, its early Monday morning and I sit in the backseat of a black, expensive looking SUV, the windows are so tinted I could barely see out of them.

I'm squished between Aro and Caius, Marcus was forced to take the front seat next to Felix.

"You could still call in absent, it's not too late." Caius says, sounding a little upset.

"I would if I didn't have exams today, they're kind of important." I smile up at him.

He sighs exasperatedly, "Is this going to continue for the next three months?"

I chuckle, "I'm afraid so."

"What are your plans for after school? Are you going to go to university?" Marcus asks from the front seat.

"Uh..." I blink, college hasn't really been on my mind ever since I got back from Italy, but before I met my soulmates, I had always planned on going to art school or maybe becoming a teacher, "I might go to art school or get a teaching degree."

"That is a wonderful plan, there are some great schools in Italy." Aro says, sounding exceptionally happy.

I hum, "I'll have to look into them, I doubt I'll be accepted into any fancy schools there, though."

Aro shakes his head, "Nonsense. You'll be accepted."

I smile up at him, "I hope so."

I don't even notice we're pulling up to the school until I see the other students passing by the car. Some look right at us like they're trying to see through the heavily tinted windows.

I exhale sharply before throwing my seat belt off.

"I'll see you guys at home?" I ask as I grab my bag from the floor.

"Of course." Caius answers while he swiftly moves me so I'm now sitting by the door and he's next to Aro.

I place my hand on the handle and say a quick goodbye before hopping out of the car and onto the pale pavement leading up to the school.

I can hear the car start once more before pulling away.

I spin on my heel, only to be met with my best friend since third grade, Sarah, she was stares at me with excitement evident in her brown eyes.

"Whose car was that?" She asks happily.

I blink, slightly taken aback, "Huh?"

She sighs, "Who just dropped you off?"

She grabs my hand and leads me into the school.

"Oh uh..." I quickly try to muster up a lie, "just a friend."

She hums like she doesn't believe a word I am saying, "How long have you known this friend?"

We stop at our lockers, I answer as I unlock mine, "About two weeks."

"Are you secretly dating them?" She wiggles her plucked eyebrows.

I pull a book out of my locker and shrug, "Guess you could say that."

Her mouth gapes open and her locker slams shut right as she grabs my hand.

"You have to tell me everything!" She exclaims, earning a few glances in our direction.

I sigh and toss my head back. This is going to be a long day.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃, 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now