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TWO DAYS LATER, the kings and Isadora stand in the large garage, bidding goodbyes

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TWO DAYS LATER, the kings and Isadora stand in the large garage, bidding goodbyes.

Felix informs the kings that everything is ready before he steps into a car.

Felix and Demetri sit in a fancy car with tinted windows, Jane and Alec sitting behind them, seeing the elite guard all packed into one car makes Isadora confused.

"Who'll be staying with me if those guys are going with you?" She asks, pointing at the sleek black car. She doesn't really care who will be staying with her, shes really asking for Meredith and Kolton, knowing they'll be here today.

"Most of the higher guard members are still here, along with the lower guard. We wanted to have the elite guard stay here with you, but we don't know if the Olympic Coven is planning anything or not." Aro explains with a sigh.

"Oh," she frowns, feeling bad for her siblings because they won't get to see their soulmates for at least a few days.

Aro plants a kiss on her forehead, "They will get to see them soon, no need to feel bad, amore." He comforts her.

She smiles up at him, "I know. It just sucks."

Aro smiles back and nods, "It does indeed 'suck'." He takes a quick glance back at the running car and sighs, "We best get going." He pulls Isadora into a tight hug, she wraps her arms around his waist. "Stay safe." He whispers.

"You, too." She whispers back.

He releases her, giving her a quick, but deep, kiss, before disappearing into the car.

She is taken back when shes pulled into another hug, so much so that a small gasp leaves her lips. But, she relaxes once she notices the familiar cologne that Caius often wears.

She rests her head on his chest and breathes in his scent, relaxing.

Eventually, they have to pull away and Caius has to enter the car, but not before he kisses her for a few long seconds.

Marcus still stands near her, just watching her with admiration.

She smiles at him and he takes a few short steps, dipping his head down to kiss her, not bothering to give her a hug like the other two. It doesn't take long for her to kiss him back.

"Hurry up!" Caius yells from the back seat after the kiss had gone on a bit too long.

Marcus turns around and sends Caius a look. He sighs and drops his hand from Isadoras face.

"We'll be back soon." He says, turning around and slowly making his way to the car to spite Caius.

Isadora watches as the car pulls out of the garage and the door closes after it.

She sighs and looks down at her shoes, already missing her soulmates.

But her little sad moment is interrupted as a woman asks if she wants to head back to her room, Isadora nods and follows the woman through the halls.

Just as she steps into the large room, her phone begins to ring on the nightstand. She hurries towards the device and picks it up, reading the name on the screen. She presses the green button and holds the phone up to her ear.

"Mer?" She asks into the phone.

"Hey! We just landed, we should be there in a bit." Meredith says, sounding more than excited.

Isadora smiles, already feeling better at the sound of her sisters voice. "Better prepare myself."

Meredith scoffs, "Whatever. See you soon!"

Isadora laughs, "See you soon, Mer."

The other line goes dead and Isadora places the phone back down.

She makes her way towards the large bookshelf in her room, which now holds many more books than when she was first here. She pulls a random book from a shelf, and walks over to the window, pushing herself onto it and opening the book to pass time.


ISADORA IS IN the middle of reading a paragraph, when the door to her room was pushes open, hitting the hard wall with a loud bang.

She jumps and spins around to see what or who did it, she quickly gets her answer upon seeing Meredith and Kolton standing in the doorway.

She smiles and hurries towards them, pulling the both of them into a hug.

"Hey, Izz." Kolton greets.

Isadora pulls away to get a look at them.

Kolton smiles down at the girl with a tired smile.

Meredith is also smiling, but she looks sad all at the same time.

"What's wrong, Mer?" Isadora asks.

Meredith sighs, "I was just told that Demetri isn't here, and he won't be here for a few days. Apparently, the Kings randomly asked him to go on their trip or whatever, he was supposed to be here."

Isadora sympathetically nods and wraps an arm around her older sister.

She looks over at Kolton, "Are you upset, too?"

He shrugs, "I already knew Jane was going a few days ago."

"Right." Isadora responds.

Isadora spends the rest of the day talking with her siblings, asking about the house and plane ride. They eventually have to leave because they were both exhausted. Shes now left alone in her room, watching the moon rise from her window.


kinda filler

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