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THE THICK DOORS slam against the marble wall with an immense amount of force —Isadora is surprised they don't fall off of their hinges

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THE THICK DOORS slam against the marble wall with an immense amount of force —Isadora is surprised they don't fall off of their hinges.

Jane, Alec and Felix back up closer to Caius's throne, all of them preparing for anything.

The Kings tense and focus on the woman being walked in.

Her dark ocher hair falls over her face like a curtain as she looks down at her shoeless feet. She doesn't put up a fight, and lets Santiago and Afton nearly drag her to the middle of the throne room.

Everyone in the room relaxes at her calm demeanor. Aro claspes his hands together and stands up slowly, gliding towards the woman.

She looks up as he approaches. Her onyx eyes void of any emotion.

Isadora finds the woman to be beautiful, the way her brown hair frames her face is angelic. The perfect skin and dark eyes only add to that.

She wares a long, olive dress that is torn in some spots and has droplets of blood in random places.

"Roaming too close to our home, hm?" Aro smiles at the woman.

The woman just nods.

"May I ask why?" Aro asks, though, he will of course be getting the answer as soon as her skin touches his.

She looks up at him and doesn't answer.

Aro grabs her hand warily and eagerly. Seconds after he drops her hand with a hiss.

He mumbles something in a low voice before quickly turning around.

Before Isadora can even blink, she is being lifted up and ran out of the throne room. She can hear the faint sound of marble screeching from down the hallway.

Its only seconds before they are in Isadoras room. Aro gently places her on the bed and turns the two, very, confused kings.

"Aro? Have you gone senile?" Caius speaks, his face was twisted in confusion.

"That woman—Maria was her name," Aro starts, his voice frantic, "was sent to attack Isadora."

Isadora blinks and her face pales.

Caius and Marcus look at her. She is pulled to her feet by Marcus, he holds her closely—like hes scared someone will rip her away from them.

"Me?" She whispers. "Why?"

Aro doesn't answer her question, "She was watching you, back at your home."

Isadora can feel the blood drain from her face. She feels the slightest touch of self pride, because she was right about someone watching her, but fear overtakes the emotion quickly.

Isadora shivers, "At least she's dead, right?"

Marcus holds her closer, his anxiety through the roof.

"She was sent by someone to watch you and eventually attack you." Aros voice is low and full of panic.

Isadora suddenly feels sick, her hands begin shaking.

"Who?" Caius asks urgently. His eyes stay locked on Isadora.

"I don't know... he never showed her his face or told her his name." He sighs.

"Why would someone want to attack me?" She mumbles. Shes sure that she's never done anything to make someone so mad that they send a vampire to watch from her bedroom window.

"He never said—he just told her to watch you and find the right moment to get you... apparently she wasn't too smart, wandering so close to here..." He shakes his head.

"What are you going to do about the guy who wants me dead?" The three of them wince at the thought of her being killed, but its too low for her to hear. "I mean, he's still out there."

"We will have more guards protecting the castle and the city... and you." Caius answers.

Isadora, normally, would protest against having even more guards watching her, but this time she understands, even if she can protect herself.

Then, a thought pops into her head.

"Shouldn't I train or something? Even if my scream is enough, I should know how to fight one of your kind." She says.

"Not to be rude, but I think your scream is the only thing that can help you protect yourself, amore." Aro says cautiously, not wanting to offend her.

She purses her lips, "Actually, I recently found out that my kind is pretty hard to kill." During the three months she was away from the kings, Isadora would often get bored and one day decided to google 'banshee', she found out that it is incredibly hard to kill her kind on a random website that, surprisingly, delved into a bunch of information.

"It wouldn't hurt, I suppose." Aro shrugs.

Isadora smiles, the fear has now died down. Shes excited about the training more than anything.

Of course, the fear still lingers, but it's much less prominent.

There are a few light taps on the door, Marcus sighs and lets go of Isadora, Caius quickly takes his place, Marcus pulls the door open.

Santiago stands in the doorway, he grins at Isadora before bowing at Marcus. "We have brought another criminal from the dungeons, master."

Marcus nods, "Stay here with Isadora." He orders before exiting the room.

Caius whispers a, "Stay safe." Before following after him.

Aro simply pulls her into a long hug.

Once they're gone, Santiago snickers, "That was adorable, kid."

Isadora kicks him as she walks to her bed, lying on her stomach.

"So, you had a hit put out on you, huh?" Santiago sits next to her.

Isadora chuckles, "Yeah. I feel a little flattered, honestly."

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