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The auto halts suddenly, causing Aayat to look up from her phone.

"What's wrong?" She asks the auto driver when she sees a lot of chaos on the road. 

"Looks like an accident", The driver replies. 

She tilts her head a little to get a clear picture when her eyes fall on an unconscious man, and a lot of blood around him. 

A small squeak escapes her lips. She gets off the auto and starts to walk towards the man. 

A huge crowd is standing there, looking at him, but no one is doing anything to help him. 

"Why is no one getting him to the hospital?" She asks, looking at all the people standing there. 

"It's a hit and run case, the police will be involved. How can we just take him to the hospital on our own?" A man from the crowd replies. 

Aayat looks at him baffled. 

"So you are just gonna let him bleed to death and not do any damn thing about it?" She shouts. 

"Hey lady, we've called the ambulance. That's the best we can do." Another man says. 

She shakes her head in disgust and runs back to the auto she was travelling in. Upon reaching, she asks the auto driver, "I need to get the man to the hospital. Will you help me?"

The driver nods his head in agreement and gets out of the auto. They both rush again to the injured man and the driver crouches down to get the man. A few people from the crowd come to help him, while the majority just keeps looking. 

Aayat has never felt such an amount of rage burning inside her as she felt at that moment, looking at all those people who did nothing to help an injured man. But this was New Delhi, what else could we expect from the people of this city? 

Somehow, those people who were carrying the injured man, fit him inside the confined space of the auto. Aayat also manages to adjust her petite frame inside the auto, while the driver takes his place and roars the engine into life. 

Driving through the busy streets of Delhi is not easy, but they manage to pull over inside the AIIMS Hospital within fifteen minutes. 

As soon as the auto comes to a stop, Aayat jumps out and rushes to a security guard who was standing at the entrance of the hospital. 

"I've an injured man in the auto, it was a hit and run case," She starts to ramble. 

The guard understands the situation and calls for someone. 

Two minutes later, the injured man is being taken inside the hospital while Aayat is stopped at the reception for some questions. 

"How did it happen? " The girl behind the reception asks her. 

"I don't know. By the time I reached, he was already unconscious.", Aayat says. 

"Is his family informed?"

"I don't think so."

"Ma'am, since it's a hit and run, we need to involve police. And you'd be asked to give a statement too."

Aayat nods her head and asks," I understand. Now can I please go and see him?"

The lady says yes and Aayat turns to walk in the direction where he was taken. But suddenly her eyes fall on the auto driver standing outside. His shirt and hands were covered in blood, while he was talking to the guard outside. 

Aayat walked outside to him. 

"Thank you so much." Aayat speaks when she reaches him. 

He waves his hand, "Don't thank me. It was my responsibility as a citizen."

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