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The next day, Zara put three extra alarms to wake up on time but ended up getting late anyway. She knocked on the classroom door ten minutes after the lecture had started. Shayaan had just glared at her and asked her to leave.

The day after that was no different either. It went on for a week. Everytime Shayaan and Zara crossed paths in the college, he would look at him with anger and disappointment. And Zara hated that. She had never been looked down on by any teacher. She was not a bad student.

So with the start of the new week, she decided to prove Shayaan wrong. Along with her numerous alarms, she also instructed Anjali, her roommate, to wake her up at any cost. Even if that meant dumping water on her.

Monday morning was not a pleasant one for Zara. Anjali had to sprinkle water on her face (because she didn't want to wet the mattress) and then dragged her out of her bed.

It was already 8:15 by the time Zara reluctantly went to the bathroom. It took her longer than usual to shower because she slept for a few minutes by leaning on the bathroom wall. She got dressed into a pair of blue jeans and white chikankari kurta. She left the hostel at 8:50. Ten minutes was more than enough to reach the college.

On her way, she came across a few fellow mates of hers too, but she didn't stop to talk to anyone. She was too determined today. As she neared her lecture room, she saw Shayaan entering the room. She did a little mental dance and increased her pace a little.

When she reached the class, Shayaan was keeping down his stuff on the table.

"Good morning, sir." Zara greeted him to get his attention.

He looked up to see her.

"I'm on time today." She excitedly spoke.

"I don't think so."

Her smile disappeared. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I said on the very first day that I'll not allow anyone in after I've entered the room. And you entered the room after me, so that means you're not attending the lecture today as well." He nonchalantly said.

Zara's jaw dropped. "You can't do that. I reached the class exactly at 9."

"Well, this is my class, Ms Ibrahim. And I make the rules here. If you have any problem with it, you're free to complain to the authorities."

Zara was filled with rage. She was literally one notch away from stomping her feet on the ground and screaming with all her might. For the first time in her life, she woke up this early and this man was not letting her in his lecture even then. And for what? For being a second late to him.

Shayaan saw Zara's expression change from confusion to anger. It was clear on her face that she was boiling from inside, ready to burst out any minute. He also knew that maybe he was being a little unfair, but he was a very disciplined person and every second mattered to him.

From the corner of her eyes, Zara could see Sandy and a few other students giggling and mocking her. To save herself from any more embarrassment, she turned her heels and left the room without any other word.

Shayaan saw her leave and felt a tiny bit of guilt. Maybe he was being too harsh on her. So he decided that he'd let her sit in the class tomorrow if she arrived before 9:05.

But it wasn't needed the next day. Because when Shayaan entered the class, he was shocked to see Zara sitting there already. Their eyes met for a brief second, before she lowered gaze and started to doodle on her notebook.

Harish, the class monitor, was rubbing the blackboard clean, saw Shayaan's shocked expression.

"She came at 8:45 today." He informed Shayaan.

Shayaan gathered himself together and spoke, "It is good to see you finally in class, Ms Ibrahim."

The class went quiet, and everybody looked at her. He expected some self praising comment from her side, but she just gave a fake smile and opened her book.

Getting no reaction from her didn't sit very well with him, but he shook it off and started the lecture.

After yesterday's incident, something shifted in Zara. She was so mad at Shayaan that she wanted to rip him off, but instead, she decided to answer him by never getting late to his lecture. If she sets her mind onto something, nothing can stop her from doing that.

The entire lecture, Shayaan kept glancing at her, trying to find any reason to scold her. Because when he scolded her, he would get to see her react to it, either defending herself, or getting mad. But the entire lecture, she did nothing but study. Her concentration didn't break even for a second. Shayaan even tried to question her, but to his surprise, she answered him correctly.

After fifty minutes, the lecture came to an end and Zara moved out of the class without even looking at him.

"Sir, when are our results coming out?" Sandy asked before leaving the class.

"Umm, in a few days, I guess." Shayaan said while packing his stuff.

"Oh great! I can't wait for it." She shrieked.

"Looks like someone did really great in the exams." Shayaan smiled politely at her.

"I always do great in my exams." She proudly said.

"So are you like the topper of the class?" Shayaan picked up his books and they started to walk out.

Sandy's smile faltered. "No, I'm the second topper. But this time, I've worked really hard to come first. I'll not let her surpass me this time." She bitterly said.

They reached the gate, and before Shayaan could ask who she was talking about, Sandy bid him bye and left, leaving him confused.


Do we have any toppers among us?

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