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The next few days were engaging for Avira and Ashar. A lot of relatives came home to meet the newly wedded couple and wish them a happy marriage. Even though it sometimes got a little tiring to meet all those new people, Avira absolutely loved being the new bride. She loved waking up in the morning, dressing well, making tea for her in-laws and coffee for her husband. Husband! Every time she looked at Ashar, she was filled with warmth. She knew that he was a good man, but seeing him with his family, she came to know that he was a wonderful son and best brother as well.

The fourth day after the marriage, Avira was resting in her room after lunch when she received a call from Antara.

"Hey, Antara. How are you?" Avira spoke.

"I'm good. You tell me, how is married life treating you?"

"Awesome. I'm blessed with a wonderful family." Avira whispered Alhamdulillah to herself. "How is work?"

Antara had returned to Delhi the next day after marriage.

"That's the reason why I called." Antara could barely keep her excitement in check. "Remember the Paris fashion show?"

"No!" Avira gasped.

"Yes!" Antara shrieked.

"We got it?"

"The fashion show is in six months. You think we can do it?" Antara asked.

"Hell yeah! We might have to work double but we will do it." Avira had determination in her tone.

"Great. Now come back soon. We need our Creative Director to lead this team." Antara voiced.

"Ashar and I are returning on Sunday. You'll find me in the office on Monday."

After talking to Antara, Avira was thrilled. This fashion show was going to be Fashionista's biggest show ever and if it turns out to be a success, it'd take the company to new heights.

Ashar entered the room only to stumble backwards as Avira jumped in his arms suddenly.

"Vira?" He held onto her as he balanced himself.

"I'm so happy, Ashar." She spoke, still hugging him.

"Really? And may I know why?" He hoisted her up and walked to the bed.

He sat down and settled her in his lap. He twirled her hair strands in his finger as she told him what Antara had told her. Her eyes had a twinkle in them, and he just couldn't believe how a person could be this beautiful.

"Are you even listening to me?" She snapped her fingers.

"Yes, baby. I heard everything you said and I'm sure you guys would pull it off." He brought her hand up and kissed her palm.

"Really?" She had confidence in herself, but it was always a little more assuring when someone else said it to you.

"Yes. And moreover, I'm looking forward to my first Paris trip." He winked.

"You'll come with me?"

"Of course. It would be such a big day for my wife. How could I not be there to support her?"

"You're the best!" She gave him a big peck on the cheek.

"I know sweetheart, but I'd rather like a kiss here." He pointed at his lips. She blushed at his flirtness, but nonetheless she leaned in and kissed him softly which he gladly reciprocated.

That night, Avira voiced that she felt like going on a drive. So after dinner, Ashar took her. They drove through many places that were connected to Avira's childhood and she shared different memories with him. She showed him her school, the places where she used to hangout with her friends, and the parks she had played in. When they returned back home, it was past everyone's sleep time. So Ashar opened the main door with his key, and they made their way inside silently.

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