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The Yousuf family leaves the hospital at around 8 in the night. While leaving, Sarah passes her what Aayat felt was a teasing smile, but didn't understand the reason for it. 

Aayat eats a sandwich from the hospital cafe and then returns back to Kaif's room again. 

This is the first time she's in his room alone with him. 

This is the first time she can look at his face, his beautiful, serene face without the fear of getting caught. 

She notices his hair, which has overgrown in the past three months and is falling on his forehead. His eyes; closed but relaxed. The curve of his long nose. And lastly, his pink lips. 

She sits on the black chair that is placed by the bed and slowly takes Kaif's left hand in her's. 

"Hey, I know you don't know me. I am Aayat." She slowly speaks to his sleeping figure. 

She has seen Ameera speaking to him once in a while, and had always wanted to do it. And she gets her chance tonight. 

"I don't know if you can hear me, and even if you can, you must be probably wondering who the hell is this girl?" Aayat chuckles,"Kaif, just please wake up. We're all dying to see you open your eyes, especially your mom. In the past three months, I've lost count on how many times that woman has cried. You've taken enough rest now. Don't do this to your family. Don't do this to me."

A small tear slides down her left eye and she tightens the hold on Kaif's hand before wiping it. 

Later that night, Aayat reads some poetry out loud for Kaif because she remembered Sarah telling her once how much Kaif loves poetry. 

The next morning, Ameera Yousuf reaches the hospital at sharp 8:30 AM, after sending her husband and daughter off to work and college respectively. 

As soon as she pads inside the room, her eyes fall on two sleeping figures; one was her son who was sleeping on the hospital bed, and the other one was the girl who saved her son, sleeping uncomfortably curled up on the chair. 

She takes small steps to reach them, and then runs her hand on Aayat's head. This young girl had won her heart for the past months, and she silently prayed to Almighty that He would officially make Aayat a part of her family. 

"Aayat, beta," Ameera whispers near her.

Aayat stirs and then opens her eyes. 

"Good morning," Ameera greets her. 

"Morning," Aayat yawns,"When did you come?"

"Just now. I brought breakfast. I hope you like Poha."

Aayat washes her face in the bathroom that was attached to Kaif's room. Then she and Ameera had breakfast together. 

"How is Kaif?" Salima asks Aayat when she goes back home from the hospital. 

"The same."

"I hope Allah gives his family strength. It is really a tough time for them." Salima prays. 

Before Aayat can walk inside her room, Salima stops her. 

"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what, mom?" Aayat innocently asks. 

"I wanted to ask why do you go to the hospital everyday. I know that you want to make sure that if Kaif is fine or not, but you can also do that by just calling Sarah. Why do you personally visit him everyday?"

Aayat is taken aback by the question. She doesn't know what to say. 

"What are you implying here?" Aayat questions. 

"I am just meaning to ask that do you, maybe, have any feelings for Kaif?" Salima puts her doubt as clearly as possible. 

A sarcastic chuckle leaves Aayat's lips,"Yeah, right! I am in love with a guy whom I've never seen conscious."

Salima gives her daughter a blank look. 

"Mom, do you hear yourself? How can I feel for a man who is in a coma? For all I know, he can be a rude egoistic man with anger issues. Or maybe worse, he can be a drug addict."

"And still you visit him everyday. Why?" Salima retorts back. 

"Because I care for him. That day I tried my best to rush him to the hospital as soon as possible. I just want to make sure all my efforts didn't go in vain, and he actually survives and lives a long life."

"Are you sure?" 

"For the last time, yes, mom. Falling for someone in a coma is stupid."

Salima doesn't look convinced, but nonetheless, lets it go.

Aayat just blames this absurd assumption on her mother's protective instincts and forgets about it. 

But she is forced to think about it again, nine days later, in a conversation with Sarah. 

Both the girls are hanging out in the hospital cafe, drinking coffee. 

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Sarah says taking a sip of her drink. 

"Sure," Aayat replies. 

"What do you feel about my brother?" Sarah bluntly asks. 

The coffee spits out of Aayat's mouth. 

"What do you mean by that? Why would I feel anything for Kaif?" 

"Well, maybe because you visit him everyday!" Sarah shrugs. 

"Oh God, why does everyone keep asking me that? How hard is it to understand that I just care for him." Aayat says. 

"Do you, really, just care for him?" Sarah says with so much seriousness that Aayat is forced to question her own feelings. 

Do I feel more than just care for him? 
Are they right?
Am I oblivious of my own feelings? 

Looking at Aayat's analysing face, Sarah gets a pretty clear idea of what is going on inside her head. 

"You know, I'd be ecstatic if you become my sister-in-law." Sarah grins. 

Aayat looks at her in aghast, which makes Sarah laugh more loudly. 

Thanks to Sarah and Salima, Aayat can not help but notice Kaif more considerately. She can't help but notice how beautiful he actually is. 

And no matter how stupid it feels, but she can't help falling for him. 

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