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"Why do we say that an alarm clock goes 'off' when it actually turns on?" Nausheen asked, making Moiz sigh for the umpteenth time.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning with little sunlight and soft breeze. They both were in the garden inside the university campus. It had been almost two weeks since he had started tutoring her.

"I don't know, Nausheen. That's how it is." Moiz replied and got back to his self-help novel he was reading.

They had been studying for an hour when she asked for a break to enjoy the weather. He was sitting with his back resting on a tree and reading, while she was lying on the grass beside him with her bag as her pillow and was twirling her hair with her fingers.

"But you're smart. You should know everything." She pouted.

He ignored her and continued reading.

A minute later, she spoke again. "Okay, I'll ask something else. Why is it called 'shipping' if it goes by truck and "'cargo' if it goes by ship?"

He looked towards her, and found her already staring at him with her big doe eyes. The eyes that made him nervous. And also the eyes that he had come to love in the past two weeks.

"Where do you get these questions from?" He asked her.

She turned her body towards him. "I have a wandering mind."

"Well, it would help you if you use this wandering mind for your studies."

"Ugh," She turned on her back and looked up towards the blue sky. "You talk like my Ammi."

They stayed silent for a while before she looked at him again. "Moiz?"

He hummed without taking his eyes off his book.

"Moiz?" This time, she whined like a baby and snatched his book.


She innocently said, "I am bored. Talk to me."

"If you're bored then why don't you meet your friends?" He suggested.

"No," She snapped, "I want to stay with you."

And that made him blush a little, which didn't go unnoticed by her.

She smiled at his cuteness and asked, "So tell me, what are your hobbies other than looking so gorgeous all the time?"

A small gasp left his lips and his cheeks turned beetroot. Was she flirting with him? No one had ever flirted with him, and he didn't know how to react.

"I...I am hungry. We should go get something to eat." He fumbled with his words. She saw him stuff his book in his bag and stand up. She forwarded her hand towards him. He held it shyly and pulled her up. Dusting her clothes, she picked up her bag. "Let's get lunch, and then maybe I can have you for my dessert." She naughtily commented and saw his expression change as he understood the double meaning behind her words. Without saying anything, he started walking. But she didn't miss that small smile that appeared on his face and smirked while following him.

The canteen was closed since it was the weekend, so they went outside the campus and found a street food stall that was serving South Indian food. Nausheen ordered a plate of vada-sambhar, while Moiz ate Uttapam. Much to Moiz's relief, she didn't pass any more flirty comments his way. They studied for another two hours before parting ways.

On Monday was the submission of the assignment that Murthy Sir had given them two weeks ago. He entered the class and all the students fell silent. He was one of the most strict professors of the university.

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