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After their book fair date, they exchanged a few casual texts till Friday. They both had offices, so they decided to go for a late show. Since Avira had suggested the idea, she insisted on booking the tickets as well. 

The show was at 8:30 pm. Avira reached fifteen minutes before and Ashar arrived five minutes after her. 

"I hope you didn't have to wait long." He said. 

"No, I just got here myself." She told him. When she saw him, she had to stop herself from shamelessly checking him out. He looked fine in a formal suit that had messed up a bit. He was not wearing his coat, shirt was crumpled and sleeves were folded, but he was still a sight for sore eyes. 

Ashar asked her if she wanted popcorn or something else to eat, but she just went for a large coke, and he got himself a tub of salted popcorn along with coke. They then went inside the auditorium and found their seats. The place was pretty packed. 

"I don't mind sharing my popcorn, in case you change your mind." He told her. The movie had not started yet. 

Avira couldn't help her smile. "That's sweet, but I don't like popcorn."

"Really?" He was surprised. Who doesn't like popcorn? 

"Yeah! They just stick to the teeth and it irritates me." 

He couldn't reply because the light dimmed and the opening credits appeared on the screen. It was a murder mystery that had everyone on the edge of their seats. 

They didn't speak during the entire movie, except for the interval. 

"That was damn good. I never saw the climax coming!" Avira exclaimed while getting up from the seat. 

"I know. It was brilliantly written and the direction was fabulous as well." He commented. 

"You really get into the details, don't you? Like noticing the camera angles and direction and scripts." They were now walking down the stairs of the auditorium. 

"Yes. I think it is unfair that people only notice the actors and their acting in the films. I agree that actors work hard too, but there are so many people apart from them who put so much effort into making a film what it is. I can guarantee you that almost half of the people in this auditorium don't even know the name of the director." He had a touch of frustration in his voice. 

In reply, she just smiled. 

"What?" He asked. 

"Nothing. It's just you talk about movies as passionately as I talk about novels. We're so opposite." They had reached outside, and were going towards the parking lot now. 

"Well, they say opposites attract!" He winked, making her laugh out loud. 

She stopped near her car. "This was fun." 

"Yeah! So, are you free tomorrow?" He nervously asked. 

"I've some work in the office. And after that, I've to visit the orphanage." She told him. 


"Yeah. On every last weekend of the month, I visit this orphanage, Umeed." 

"That's very cool."

"Do you want to come with me?" She suddenly got the idea and asked him. 

"Sure, if you don't mind." He would go anywhere, as long as she was with him. 

"Okay then. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12?"

"Okay. I'll send you my address."

After saying goodbye, they both left in their respective cars, but not before him asking her to text after she reached home safely. These little actions of his was making an impression on her. 

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