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Misha shifted from one foot to another in excitement as she stood outside the arrivals gate of the Delhi airport. Kiaan's flight had landed half an hour ago, and he would be out any moment now after collecting his baggage.

Her eyes were watching the gate like a hawk when he came out. A smile broke out on her lips and she dashed towards him. He too saw her and left the trolley. She jumped in his arms with all her might making him stumble backwards a little, but he wrapped his arms around her and balanced themselves.

They stayed like that, hugging each other for several seconds before he finally put her back on her feet.

"I can't believe you're here!" Her smile was so big. He grinned at her.

They both then walked to where her car was parked. He put his luggage in the trunk of the car, before getting in the passenger seat himself. The drive from the airport to home wasn't a very long one, and they spent it talking. They could never run out of topics to talk about.

Upon reaching his bungalow, she helped him in taking his luggage inside. Misha's father had some cleaners come a day ago and clean the entire place so that Kiaan doesn't have a tough time cleaning it.

After that, they both walked to Misha's home. Her parents were waiting for them.

"Assalam Alaikum, the most beautiful lady in the world," Kiaan greeted Aamna and gave her a hug.

"Walaikum Assalam," Aamna was thrilled about Kiaan coming back too.

He then met Misha's father, Ramza, before they all sat down to have the delicious lunch prepared by Aamna. She remembered how much Kiaan used to love her biryani, so she had especially cooked that for him.

Kiaan also video called his parents to let them know that he'd reached safely. Aamna and Ramza also talked to them. After that, Misha accompanied Kiaan back to his home. The bungalow was furnished, just all the electric appliances needed servicing. Misha had already booked an appointment for that, and the servicing guy arrived. Kiaan got the refrigerator, microwave, AC, and other things serviced, while Misha started with the unpacking of his luggage. She knew he was not at all a tidy person, and she had to organize his room. If she left it on him, he'd probably not even bother to take his clothes out of the suitcase.

After the servicing guy left, Kiaan took a shower to wash away the tiredness from the travelling and all. Misha was also done settling his room till then. He walked into his room and sighed a breath of relief on seeing all his stuff placed in its right place.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," He said to her.

She was putting the last pile of his books on his book shelves. "Nothing. You can't even tie a shoelace without me."

"We need to buy groceries." He spoke while sitting down on his bed.

"Groceries as in real groceries, or packaged, frozen food?" She teased him. Kiaan couldn't even cook food to save his life.

He glared at her. "Don't make fun of me. I'd start learning and in a month, I'd be cooking better than you."

She laughed out loud. "We'll see about that!"

It was a little past six when they both left to go to the nearest grocery store. He filled their cart with all the junk available, while she bought all the spices, oil, vegetables, fruits and protein.

After settling the bill, they came back to his place and Misha headed for the kitchen. She placed all the stuff that they'd bought in their places.

"What do you want to have for dinner?" She asked him.

"Let's order pizza!" He excitedly said, only to get a hard look from her.

"No outside food. I'm cooking. So tell me, do you want kaddu, or karela?" She gave him a choice between two of the vegetables she bought today.

He made a disgusting face at her. "You want to kill me on my first day back?"

"You need to start eating healthy."

"For the love of God, woman! Don't behave like my mother." He exclaimed.

In the end, she ended up cooking kaddu, and egg curry. Kiaan loved eggs but she made it clear that he'd only get it if he ate a bowl of kaddu ki sabzi. He was not happy about it, but it was not like he got any choice.

They sat to have dinner. He was making faces while eating kaddu while Misha cleared her throat. "I've to tell you something."


"I met a guy three days ago." She started. "His name is Rehaan. Abbu works with his father, and they thought that we might be a good match."

Kiaan choked on his food. She passed him a glass of water as he started coughing.

"You're meeting guys for arranged marriage?" He was in shock.

"Not guys. Just one guy. We met for dinner. He was.. nice." She put her words carefully.

Kiaan couldn't believe it.

"What?" She asked looking at his baffled face.

"It is just hard to digest. I mean, marriage and you? Like why would anyone want to marry you?" He made a weird face.

She gasped at him. "What do you mean by that? Why would a man not want to marry me?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I just, it's just.." He couldn't put his thoughts into words. "It is just that it is weird for me to think of you as a wife. Like for me, you'd always be that five year old Misha who peed in her pants while laughing on a joke." He grinned at the memory.

She threw a spoon his way. "Would you stop remembering my embarrassing moments from childhood?"

He dodged the spoon and threw his head back laughing, "Absolutely not. I'm going to tell this story to Rehaan on your wedding day, and then to your kids."

She frowned at him, but didn't say anything.

"By the way, is Rehaan blind or what?" He asked.

She raised her eyebrows at him.

"No, I mean he is marrying you. There got to be something wrong with his eyes."

"Kiaan," She screamed at him, while he just laughed.

"We're not getting married. I've just met him once. I don't even know if I want to marry him yet." She honestly told him. She knew he was a nice guy, but she wasn't sure if he was the one for her.

He could read the uncertainty on her face, so he held her hand and pressed it in a comforting manner. "Mish, there is no pressure on you. And I'm sure your parents would also never force you for anything. Meet him a few more times before deciding anything. And I'd support whatever decision you take."

She smiled at him gratefully.

She twirled her fingers with his. "I missed you. I mean I know we always talked on the phone. But I missed this, you, actually being here to support me."

"I know. I missed you too." He wrapped his free hand around her shoulder.

After dinner, she went back to her home and changed her clothes. She had to go to the hospital tomorrow, so she decided to get some sleep. But before hitting the bed, she went to her balcony and found Kiaan already there. He had his airpods plugged in while he was using his phone.

His eyes moved up from his phone and he saw her standing on the balcony. They both flashed each other a smile.

"Welcome back to Delhi, Mr Malik." She shouted to him.

He was really glad to be back.


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