Chapter 1 - Transmigration

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I'am Matthew Koch Legier, and I died...

I'am a German of British ethnicity, I was in my mid-20s, I had a decent life, semi-gifted intelligence, and I wasn't incompetent. And I was practically simultaneous, I have been accustomed to both work environments, and I was also accustomed to gameplay, my favourites were most WW2 or Cold War-era games, whether it be based on reality or highly fictionalised, like wolfenstein for example.

The day I died was in 2018, in Chemnitz... I guess I... Tried to be a hero... is all I could think of, when that person stabbed that guy... The amount of blood pouring out was staggering, My entire mind felt like it was draining into the exit of a sink, everything slowly turning black, as that indescribable pain constantly rings out and reverberates through my torso... It felt like I was still getting electrocuted over and over...

I was accepting my death, I didn't have much to live for, Friends gone, no girlfriend... I have nothing to lose other than... My family... *sigh* Life can be very cruel... Will... Will I meet them in the afterlife or-?... no, I can't think about that, what happened was real, I doubt I can control something that is within the hands of God...

"Hey, bist du wach, Matte?" (Hey, Are you awake, Matte?)

I suddenly heard a voice of a young person, I opened my eyes and felt an unfamiliar cold breeze, and a bright blue sky, I felt grass caressing my limbs' skin, before I looked to where the origin of the noise came from, I saw a youngster wearing relatively old school German clothes... he looked to be around 9 years old.

"Geht es dir gut?" (Are you alright?) he asked once more

"H-huh? Ich ... ja, mir geht es gut." (H-huh? I... Yes, I'm fine." I replied with a faint voice, however my voice sounded higher in pitch, I sounded... Younger, in-fact I looked at my body, I seem to have shrunken and I'm wearing somewhat old-style clothes.

"Gott sei Dank ... ich hatte Angst, weil du vom Baum gefallen bist... das solltest du nicht noch einmal tun, Bruder..." (Thank God... I was afraid, because you fell off the tree... You shouldn't do that again, brother...)

'Brother...? Wait... I don't even...'

It suddenly dawned on me, after reading a few western and Asian books, I got the feeling I was reincarnated... Well, or rather inserted into the soul of a random person...

"Ähm... Mein... Verstand ist ein wenig verschwommen... wo bin ich?" (Um... My... Mind is a little blurry... Where am I?) I tried to sound as genuine, judging from clothing and that nearby house, I seem to be somewhere very different, and outdated... perhaps in another world. However I was too blindsided that I forgot that this was my 'brother' and I'm pretty sure I would sound weird.

He eventually looked surprised... I guessed correctly.

"Wow! Dieser Herbst muss ein Wunder sein, Du kannst so fließend und weit sprechen!" (Wow! That fall must be a miracle, You can speak so fluently and widely now!)

I was startled at his outburst.

"Oh, tut mir leid, ich war nur überrascht, du ... Du hast so geredet, ich kann es kaum erwarten, es Mutter zu sagen. Ah, wir sind in Deutschland, unserer Heimat."

(Oh, I'm sorry, I was just surprised, you ... you talked like that, I can't wait to tell mom. Ah, we are in Germany, our home.)

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