Chapter 25

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"Before going out, why don't you go and take a shower" I suggested.

She slowly made her way to the bathroom like a snail. Once she entered the bathroom, I went to her closet to take out some fresh clothes.

Opting for a shirt and sweatpants, my eyes fell on her lingerie. I picked up a set randomly without thinking further.

Knocking on her bathroom door, I announced "your clothes are on the bed and I'll be waiting outside your room. Come out after changing, okay?"

It took me off guard when I heard her response in the least expected moment. Smiling at her response I left the room and waited for her outside.

I called Zayn just to get ignored by that a*shole. Calling Samuel next but he didn't pick up the call either. As I was ready to call Cole but he beat me and called me first.

"Dude,where are you? You missed all your lectures and practice."

"I am with Miley, she isn't feeling wel-"

"What happened? Is she okay? Wait I'm coming" the panic in his voice made me felt annoyed. A very uninvited feeling struck my heart, jealousy.

"No... I mean come here and just take my car keys and bring my car here. I don't want to leave her alone."

"On my way" he said before hanging up.

I looked at my screen which showed 4:45pm in bold white. I leaned on the wall behind me, feeling nauseous thinking about the whole situation. Her situation reminded me about my mother. Fear ran through my body, I didn't want to lose her the same way I lost my mother.

I knocked again and asked "you done?"

No reply.

I waited more but my body was loosing patience. I knocked again.

"Miley are you okay?"

Still got no reply.

My mind was in a dilemma, whether to open the door or not. I saw the grip loosening and tightening on the door knob. Waiting for another minute, I finally opened the door. I peeked inside to see Miley standing in front of the bathroom door.

Inviting myself in, I shut the door behind me and walked to her side.

Her eyes were fixed on the bed. It was like she was frozen.

"Miley?" I called but no reply. A conflict again arose in me whether to touch her or not.

"Miley? What happened?"

Suddenly she unfroze and looked at me confusingly.

"You okay?" I asked, stopping my hand to reach her shoulder.

I looked at her frowning face, like she didn't even know what she was doing.

"You have to change your clothes Miley. We were going out, remember?"

She blinked few times before processing everything and nodded.

"Umm, you can just change in the bathroom. I guess." I picked up her clothes and gave her, avoiding looking at her wet body wrapped in a towel.

A knock was heard on the door and I knew it was Cole. Taking out my car keys from my pocket, I opened the door just to shove the keys on his hands and closing it.

I heard him cuss behind the door and leaving.

Turning around I saw Miley standing, staring at me. I acted like no one came and scratched my hair in awkwardness.

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