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Ill take care of it Tala I informed my employee and friend who has been working in my café for more than a year now. Picking up the towel from the counter, I rushed to the table before the spilled drink made its way to the floor. Wiping every last drop from the table I heard the bell chimed making my head turn towards the door.

Aiden entered and looked around until his eyes met mine, he stared at me for a couple of seconds before crossing his arms and huffing dramatically. He marched to the further most table next to the window and sat there while pretending to find something interesting to look at outside the window.

I returned to the counter taking in orders from customers until the crowd was managed and my employees could take over. Taking a cup of coffee and a blackberry muffin with me, I sat opposite to the Aiden. I resisted to smile not to fuel his anger and put the coffee and muffin on the table.

Are you still mad at me? I asked, looking at his unaffected face the answer was yes.

I am sorry. I was too lost in the novel; I didnt mean it.

He gave me a side eyed look and mumbled grumpily, so lost that you forgot your boyfriends name?

I smiled guiltily and added, I am sorry, I promise this will never happen again. I love you; you dont have to get jealous over a fictional character, baby.

You called me by some other guys name and I cant even get jealous? he fully turned to me and took a bite of his muffin.

He was a fictional character! Why are you getting worked up over a fictional character? Despite the absurdness of the situation, I explained calmly.

But it wont change the fact you are reading and fantasizing about some other guy.

I took a bite of the muffin after he brought it to my mouth and said, Are you serious? Hes just a character! And I am not fantasizing about him.

But yo-

Also, he loves someone else I interrupted.

He offered me his coffee which I refused and too another bite from his muffin.

Are you still upset? I asked, taking a sip from his coffee.

No he mumbled.

I cant believe you were upset about that but since I am feeling charitable, I can put a very interesting show for you tonight as an apology.

I witnessed the sparkle in his eyes when he asked, show?

You know I havent still shown you the clothes lingerie I bought last time when I went shopping with Mia.

Does the show involve a particular lacy thing too?

It involves everything.

Dont regret anything tomorrow he said with a mischievous smile.

I wont I returned the smile when I heard footsteps behind us and Aiden looked over my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see Aidens dad reaching our table.

Hi Miley dear, hope everythings going well he smiled and I stood up to hug him.

Yes, it is. Thank you.

And why are you not in your office? he asked Aiden.

I took a day off. Privileges of being a boss he grinned hugging his dad.

Or maybe real estate agents have nothing to do nowadays. I jumped when Zayn interrupted behind me.

Sorry to startle you he said while joining the table.

And why are you not at work? I asked.

I quitted he replied which shocked none of us. It was his third time quitting his job because of numerous excuses he could possibly come up with.

And what now? Aiden asked.

Well maybe a certain someone can buy me a café too Zayn looked towards Aidens dad who couldnt ignore him more. After Aiden and his dad forced me to accept the café, they both gifted me to show their gratefulness for reconciling them, I became the owner of this café.

Seriously? Aiden looked at him before looking at me.

I think I am going to open a club he said and then smiled charmingly when Sofia who arrived to take their orders. She shyly returned his smile while writing their orders.

Dont fall for his smile Sofia I whispered. Hes an asshole.

I heard it and no Sofia I am not an asshole he winked.

Ill get back to work now I informed them and turned to Zayn, dont flirt with costumers.

I wont, I have eyes on someone else he said looking behind me at Sofia who was oblivious to his stare.

Hi I turned towards Mia who walked straight to the vacant chair next to Aiden and banged her head loudly on the table startling half of the population present in the café.

What happened? I asked, deciding to stay for couple of more minutes to make sure she was fine.

A groan left her mouth and she replied, headache. Drank too much last night.

I hope this time you didnt tell anyone about your misadventures Zayn laughed.

What do you mean?

Last time when you were wasted you told everyone how you put a tampon in your a*shole Aiden said and his dad shook his head, standing up.

I will leave, unlike you all I got work to do he said hugging me before leaving.

While Mia was stared at Aiden with disbelief before screaming and cursing herself.

Why isnt Cole here yet? Zayn looked at the time and I thanked Sofia for bringing their drinks.

Why dont you just sit down? Aiden patted to the chair next to him.

I looked back to the half empty café and sat down next to him. The door opened and Cole entered. He spotted us but went to say something to Tala who was standing there looking at him with a smile on her face.

You got to be kidding me I muttered in disappointment. You both need to stay away from my employees I grumbled at Zayn and then looked at Cole who was grinning while Tala was flushed.

Soon, he walked towards us and announced, she agreed to come on a date with me.

I shook my head and Cole noticed my disapproval so he added, I wont hurt her. I am not like Zayn.

Hey, what does that supposed to mean?

Exactly what you think it means. You took that girl out last week and said God knows what that made her quit her job. Miley needs her employees and you cant screw up that.

I di-

You both need to stop using my café as a dating app, I dont want to lose any more employees I chided.

They both shared a look that didnt say they agreed but kept quiet. Mias groan caught our attention and we decided to keep our voices during our conversation.

Cole diverted the topic and started talking about some crazy things that happened to him at the office where then Zayn added about his hook-ups with employees which got him in trouble. And so, on the day was spent just like some other day.

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