Stay or Leave, We'll all die anyway

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"She came to see me. And told me everything." She took a breath "At first I couldn't trust her. She is a vampire afterall. But I had to come here."

For some reason, Uma seems to be hiding something or Malia is just being paranoid. What was Alice trying to do, to have the other werewolves involved.

Trey sees Malia leaving, his eyes follow her, as Sam stood beside him.

"She's staying with the Cullens."
"The vampires. I heard. It's very unusual for her." Trey is abit worried but Sam was interested on this story.

People around her died from their kind.  She's also not someone who could forgive easily. I would have assumed she has a motive behind her tolerance living with this so called Cullens. She may look naive and vulnerable, but that's one of her advantages. She doesn't make herself look like a threat until the very moment she decides to be. Her mind, is a machine, it's making choices not yet available, she is calculating every move, one step ahead than the rest of you. She has learned a very valuable lesson from the past.

Trey gives Sam a look as if he was being played but of course he doesn't show his frustration. He should not be shaken by this. As far as Malia had shown to the pack, it may have not been her thriving but just being comfortable that she is finally showing her true self. Slowly letting her guard down but at the same time building another impenatrable wall. Everything must be on purpose. Sam looks at Jared worriedly.

"I heard how my friend died. Let's hope that it is not wasted."

Wasted? What was it she is trying to do exactly. It is hard to plan without Alice  but more impossible so with Malia having a different prospect. She wasn't as thrilled as having her friends arrive. She left the rez without even saying a word to them.

The vampires slightly flinch at her scent. With the other werewolves being around her earlier, it's like a wild dog had entered and wanted to piss everyone off. Of course they were restraining themselves from attacking the guest which Alice had instructed to be taken care.

"Volturi is also making a move. I couldn't reach the others. He must've gotten to them." Carlisle tells Edward. Their numbers are nothing compared to the Volturi coven, specially with the twin. Specially with that girl he saw back when he decided to end his life. He haven't seen her full potential but she must be more valuable than Alec and Jane. Edward glances over at Malia. He is somehow getting the pieces together.

She gets a glimpse of the blonde group of girls. Remembering them from the wedding as the Denali coven. She never liked their coven not that she liked the Cullens, but there had always been something about them that reminds her of something especially of Irina and her sisters. Eleazar, talks to Edward and Bella regarding Bella's ability of mental shield. It'll be of great use if ever they have no choice but to fight. Out of all the gifted vampires she was the only one who had not honed her skills yet. She was afterall a newborn.

In the evening Bella takes Renesmee to their family cottage to get some sleep. She still needed it, all while Edward is with the witnesses trying to work a plan out. After Renesmee had fallen asleep, she notices a book out of place, taking it, she opens and sees an address written in Alice's penmanship.

 After Renesmee had fallen asleep, she notices a book out of place, taking it, she opens and sees an address written in Alice's penmanship

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It was her mind safe from Edward. It was something she had to do. She excuses herself from the rest and goes out alone. She drives and Malia saw her car. It stun her that Renesmee was standing behind her and asks where her mom went still sleepy. If she had left just like her aunt and uncle. She wasn't sure how to respond but luckily Jacob arrives and takes Renesmee inside. She couldn't give her an answer. Bella wasn't the type to leave her human child alone, she is sometimes foolish with her actions but after turning she knows she is stronger now and has to be there for her half human half vampire daughter. But the way Bella drove, she was scared, like it was a one way trip.

Bella parks at a restaurant and was led by a staff to a table with curtains. There she meets a man named J. Jenks. An attorney judging by his attire and suitcase. He ate as they discuss some matters but Bella's plate remained untouched.

 He ate as they discuss some matters but Bella's plate remained untouched

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"Jasper is my client, the Cullens had been for the past twenty years. He contacted me to forge some documents for you and your family." He takes another bite.

"And do you have it?" Bella asks. She wasn't even sure what documents Jasper had arranged. She is all hearing this just now.

"Yes yes." He wipes off his hands and takes his suitcase. An envelop was handed to her. "Here."

Bella opens it and sees three passports. She opens to reveal the first two. Renesmee and Jacob's. The third is questionable. She gives Jenks a look then back at the passport again. Jenks seem to have noticed but assured that everything is exactly how Jasper had instructed him. He would've been aftaid to go against him.

"It is better that you keep it." Bella nods without a choice. Jenks wishes her happiness and health before ending their transaction.

Malia had stayed awake and spots Bella returning. She seemed to be distressed with whatever and Malia studies her. Back in the cottage, she packs Renesmee's stuff including the three passports. It wss heartbreaking for her to do this. Specially having them go with another person she does not trust. Whatever Jasper and Alice had in mind, she just had to trust it and hopefully everything turns out alright.

Malia returns to the pack the next day, it was better there than being surrounded by blood thirsty vampires. But it wasn't what she expected. Trey wasn't planning to stay long. He only came here to get Uma, and hopefully her. But she doesn't look thrilled about it.

"You've never forgiven yourself haven't you?" He already knows. But the casualty to what she is planning.. "will it be worth it?"

"Nothing you say can make me go. Not now."
"I know. You had to make a lot of decisions only to get here."

"Some decisions were already made for me. I didn't even had a choice back then."

It's true. She was forced to live for this. Like this. But Trey was trying. He's trying to keep her alive. For that moment, Vinn's sacrifices became a shot in the dark. It wasn't something that even the selfish werewolves would want. It'd be a bloodbath for them to get involved, she wasn't asking Trey to stick with her, and he wasn't planning to anyway. Vinn must've either seen a bit of hope in her to make things right, or he just wanted for her to get the revenge she had been longing and knew he didn't deserve to be standing there when it happens.

Trey talk to Jared. He knew about them and that she may or may not be using him, however genuine her feelings are for him, Trey knows Malia will not let Jared get in the way. She may care for him but if she has ro choose it'd be the other.

"I know what I got myself into." He said with a bit of a smile but not of contempt. He wasn't that happy of how the events turned out at all. He sure thought everything would've ended the moment Bella turned into a vampire.

"You're trying to get her out of this still?"

"She got out of it before. I saw it. For a moment. I can do it again."


"You'll have to make a path for her." She said to him. It's something only she can do.

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