The Chasm

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The vampires gather in front while the werewolves at the back. They wait for the Volturi to arrive. Bella and Edward held unto Renesmeè's hands, it'll be the last time they'll be able to.

At the other side of the fog, they sense the presence of the Volturi. Even with the wolves they are outnumbered.

Aro pleasantly smiles at the sight. All the gifted were there, he could just snatch them and go. But one is missing. Alice. What a pity.

Edward does the same to the Volturi. He scans the crowd but there were missing guards. Demetri and Felix. He quickly spotted Alessia.

Carlisle tells Aro from a safe distance that he does not want to fight the Volturi. The witnesses were simply formality to prove that Renesmeè is not an immortal child, and that she will continue to grow. But of course Aro wouldn't take it as it is.

Edward, Bella, and Renesmeè were asked to come forward. Bella asks for Jacob and Emmett to join them incase. It was uncomfortable for the Cullens. But for Renesmeè it was a whole new experience to finally meet this vampire whom her family and friends had prepared to battle for whatever reason. Aro held her hand, and saw everything. To put such a grand reunion in to waste.
"Bring the informant forward." Cauis orders them. Irina was thrown front to the ground. "Is that the child you saw?"

Irina takes a look at Renesmeè "I don't know. She's changed! This child is bigger."

Imagine the embarassment placed upon the marching of volturi to Forks.

"Your allegations were false."
"The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake." She looks at her family, I'm sorry.

They rip off her limbs and burn her body right in front of her coven.


Malia and the others heard it from a far. It angered Tanya and Kate. But they were stopped by the others to act with their emotions. This is what Aro wants to happen. One step and he'll happily make the war happen.

Carlisle wants to dismiss this misunderstanding as early as possible. He takes Aro's moment of grace. "Aro, you see there is no law broken here."

"But does it then follow that there is no danger? She is the first of her kind."

Edward perks up at the familiarity. Alice and Jasper. They arrive but headed towards the Volturi. If it wasn't enough to make Aro smile while the opposition becomes worried.

Edward saw it clearly now. Alice shook her head to him. It seems that Malia took another path for herself.

"My dear Alice." He welcomes her with open arms but not the same for Jasper who was held by the guards.

"I have evidence that the child won't be a risk to our kind." Alice held her hand out for Aro to see her visions. But in the middle of it, Alice realizes that Aro won't change his mind. She flinches her hand away from his. "It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see, you still won't change your decision."

Alice turns to Bella and mouths to her Now. Bella quickly puts Renesmeè on Jacob as they bid their final goodbyes.

"Take her away." Aro orders his guards as he take his first prize. Carlisle fired up. He wasn't gonna let them take her daughter. "Let her go!" He charges first.

Malia halts on her step.
"No. It's already happened." Trey tells her. "We keep walking."

Eli and Addie comes running towards them. Trey was puzzled.

"The tracker never went for us." Eli said puzzled as well. It meant they were headed for someone else. Trey and Eli race to Uma.

Malia stood there frustrated. She was glued to the ground. The decision was made. It kept playing in her mind. Addie was trying to read her. But she wasn't gonna let her do something she doesn't want to.

"Look, Malia. Whatever you chose. I'll follow you." She assured her, and that was enough for Malia to turn back.

They reach the field in chaos. So much had already happened. Carlisle's head. Wolves injured. She didn't see Jacob. He must've gotten out.

Bella was thrown just beside her. Despite the impact, she managed to look at Malia. "You came back. We thought you left."

Edward helps Bella up and informs Malia that Demetri and Felix are not with the Volturi.

"Trey and Eli went after them."
"Malia, she's here. And you know that as long as she exists-"
"I'll take care of it."

Alec had just killed a werewolf and how convenient for  Malia to be headed his way, a hurdle just before she can reach Alessia. He release his power, but Addie blocks him. She becomes a rabid senseless wolf. Alec took pleasure snapping her neck. Malia saw it but she continue to head to her target. It wouldn't have been easy to defeat their kind but she didn't want to be swayed right now. But she did saw Emmett take care of Alec. She focus her sight on Alessia. Jane had just killed Seth. She pushed his body off of her and had soon laid eyes on her next victim, Malia. As much as Jane despises Alessia, she was crucial to the Volturi. Pain.

Malia stumbled just in front of Alessia. She was invisible to the others. It was one of her gifts. She could've used it to hide herself from Malia but she didn't. She wanted Malia to find her. Alice takes down Jane, and Bella was taken by guards. Edward's porcelain skin is almost breaking from Aro's strength. It was all falling. Falling.

Benjamin's head was ringing. He saw how his comrades are falling. He thought it well as the next best thing to do. He smacks his fost down the ground creating a rift. It kills many volturi and Edward almost falls down but manages to jump out. Esme on the other hand is held on the ankle by a volturi, Leah leaps to take the Volturi off of her but cost her own life.

Uma fidgets as she wait for Jacob and Renesmeè to arrive. A rustle in the bushes. But it was Demetri and Felix. She was outnumbered. She let out a howl of warning which enabled for Trey and Eli to find her location, they managed to kill Demetri but Felix escaped. Jacob arrives a bit shaken. He too had lost a lot of his members. The three sense an incoming group of volturi headed their way.

"You go with them, make sure they get out." Trey said without a hint of pause.
"That's an order." Trey's eyes only fall to Uma whose lifeless body lie on the ground. There's too many.

Eli sensed Felic nearby while running with Jacob. He shifted path. He wasn't gonna let that guy survive. Now Jacob and Renesmeè are on their own.

"Kill me." Alessia whispered to a weakened Malia. "That's what you're supposed to do. That's what you're good at."

One volturi guard returns to the battle field. Edward saw him point at Malia "That's the last of them.". It was painful to watch as Aro smiled victoriously despite the war not being over.

It was his fear.

Malia was crouched down to Alessia like a puppy to a girl. Alessia could have easily killed her if she wanted too. As the volturi pointed at Malia, she knew that Jacob and Renesmeè made it out.

From behind Malia, Aro saw them as if Alessia was caressing the supposedly deadly wolf to sleep. She was saying words to her as she brushed her fur with her fingers. It was a delightful sight for Aro as soon as Alessia had let her go. But it wasn't Malia that'll kill Aro. It was her. She lunged at Aro and together they fall to the opening and to the lava. The last thing Aro sees was the silhouette of Edward and Bella, looking down on him, and Malia on the other side of the cliff.

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