New Phase

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Jacob and Malia forms a new kind of friendship. With him having phased he now understood what Malia meant before or why Sam was so distant and forever watching over them.

"Its kinda cool."

"It is huh."

Then the thought hit him. He can't hang out with Bella anymore or atleast that's what Sam ordered.

It's been a week of since Jacob cut off any communication with Bella. Billy had confiscated his phone, even his bike to prevent him from ever going to Forks. Being a wolf has its ups and downs, but now he gets to hang out with Embry again.

The pack was growing, and the elders don't understand it. Normally a Quileute would phase if there are threats nearby. Seeing that the Cullens had left Forks they can't think of a reason of how the phasing is still happening. Then it also happened that the first Female Quileute phased, though Malia's existense made them less surprised.

The guys and Malia gathered around. Thry seem to have a problem with talking Leah out of running. Quil and Seth was already taken by Sam, but Leah is still confused. She's stubborn and doesn't really like to listen to any of them.

"Sounds familiar." Paul shoots Malia a look.

Then Malia remembered how Leah and Sam dated before and that the pack is linked.

"I'll go find her." Malia suggested. Sam gives her permission to leave as the guys don't really want to get near Leah, she is much scarier than the rest.

Malia shifts and sprints around the woods looking for Leah. She spotted her a few feet away but her ears perks up and senses another being around. Her eyes scanning through the woods but she sees no one.

She heads over to Leah who was whining. They can't communicate with each other but Leah immediately knew who it was.

The two girls rejoined the pack. But Leah isn't gonna speak to Sam. Its even worse now that she is seeing how sweet he is around Emily.

Jacob also has his mind somewhere else. He really wanted to talk to Bella. Tell her he's fine. But Sam had been watching his every move.

Bella held her phone thinking. Charlie saw how worried she is of Jacob.

"It's mono. He'll be fine."

"Yeah. Alright." She gives him a contempt look and sees him head out for the station. She tries to call him again, still leads to voicemail. "Hey Jake, its me again. I hope you're feeling better, and uhm I'm sorry about the movie. Call me back." She hang up. But now she just wanted to be sure. She needed to see him. It has been going for days. She takes her keys and goes to the rez.

Its been quiet there lately. She heads to the Black's cabin and knocks. Billy opens the door and a bit surprised to see Bella but knew she'll come around for Jacob.

"Is Jake there?"

"He's out with friends."

"You told my dad he had mono."

"Go home Bella."

He shuts the door at her and now she's pissed. Jacob is avoiding her. She heads to her car and starts the emgine but then decides to wait for Jacob amd to confront him. She stays in her car even when the rain starts pouring.

At her windshield she sees figures emerge out of the woods. It's them and  Jacob was there too. He sees Bella at her truck and jogs there. Bella saw how different Jacob looked. His hair cut short, and he seemed larger, not that same sixteen year old boy from the day of the movie. He taps on her window and she pulls it down.

"Jake what happened to you?"

"Go home Bella."

"Is it Sam? Did Sam made you do this?" She glances over Sam and he was looking back at them by the porch.

"It's not Sam. It's those blood suckers you love."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, the cullens-"

"Jacob." Sam warns him.

"Go home Bella. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't want to hurt you."

"You just did." She pulls her window up and starts her engine and leaves the area.

It was painful for Jacob to say tjose words to her but Sam ordered him to say it. Malia shots Sam a look of disagreement. He would've atleast tried to be more understanding of Bella's situation right now. Jacob is all she has and now she's alone.

Jacob races back to his cabin and Malia follows him.


"I wish I could tell her. I didn't want her to stay away from me."

"It's gonna be alright." Malia pats his back.

At the end of the day, Malia carefully snuck out of the house, but Jacob hears her even at the slightest step. He had just phased and has stronger senses than usual shifter.

"Where are you headed?"

"For a jog."

"It's midnight."

"Trust me. Just go back to sleep."

Malia heads for the woods. A shortcut leading to Forks and to Bella. She threw small rocks at Bella's window.

She waits for her to go out from the back door. Still a bit sleepy but didn't understand what Malia needed from her.

"If you're here to tell me to stay away from Jake-"

"I'm not. I'm here to tell you to do the opposite." She pauses "He needs you right now."

"How could you say that. He just told me to stay away from him."

"He's not thinking clearly."

"Then tell me what's happening with him."

"He's changing."

"Changing into what?" Bella asks frustrated but Malia didn't say a word only staring at her until she got the idea. "Oh my god. I thought there's only you."

"I hang out with buff guys who doesn't wear shirts and spends most of the day in the woods, and you think they're just regular people?"

The next morning, they see Bella's truck park nearby again. Sam was surprised that she's back that fast, after Jacib's stunt he expected her to spend some time far away from the rez.


"I told you to go away."

"You don't have to say that anymore. I understand now."

"Who told her!?" Paul looks around the pack.

"I did." Malia steps forward. Paul was infuriated that Malia wpuld do this. He charges at her at the same time trying to hold his anger in. Jared steps in just as he was inches away from her.

"She's just worried for Bella." Jared takes her side.

"That what? That she tells her of our secret?" Paul shifts uncontrollably and Jared follows charging at him. They throw each other to the ground.

Bella was shocked to see more than one wolf around. Jacob takes her away from the fight and into Emily's cabin.

The boys soon followed and it becomes louder with them around. They apologize for the fight back there. But Leah just rolls her eyes at the boys. She doesn't like Bella. She thinks she's only there because the Cullens are no where, that Bella is a user, and she is using Jacob and Malia.

"I'm gonna leave you losers." Leah heads out.

Malia wanted to talk to her but the guys stop her.

"Let her be. She'll get used to this." They said.



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