Absolute Law

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"It's nice to have you back." Alice smiles at Malia but gives Jacob a dead look. Clearly he wasn't as welcome as they'd like. But given the circumstances at which the Cullens were partly responsible, they must compromise. As soon as Bella returns and with the eyes of a killer only then will everything be more tolerable, only then will Jacob give up, or not. Esme cooks while the others do about normal stuff to not make their guests uncomfortable. But Malia was taken into Esme's way in the kitchen. She does her best to follow the recipe but at some parts she wasn't sure if the taste would be enough. They can't really taste anything else besides blood. "I can help you with it." Malia offers and Esme was more than appreciative of her efforts. She saw it for a moment. One of the reasons Bella must've loved the Cullens, Esme.

"Your mother must be a good cook?"
"I don't know. I don't remember her cooking."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"It was a long time ago."

Jacob tries to keep close to Malia. He couldn't bare another second under those golden eyes he needed to be around a living thing or he might go crazy.

Alice receives a phone call from Edward, she was all smiles as she answered it hoping to hear the news of Bella as a vampire but it would seem they have to postpone that

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Alice receives a phone call from Edward, she was all smiles as she answered it hoping to hear the news of Bella as a vampire but it would seem they have to postpone that. She looks in horror at Carlisle who takes the phone from her. Everything changes. Everyone knew except for Malia and Jacob.

"They're on their way home."
"Already? What? The island ran out of humans?" Jacob comments but Malia taps him to stop. It seemed serious no matter how they try to hide it.
"Is she alright?"
"No. It's complicated." She takes a step back.

As they wait anxiously. Malia felt Bella's presence from the door. Jacob knew the cue. As soon as the door opens, she felt uneasy, and when Bella was finally in sight, Jacob lunges for Edward but Malia takes him down to the floor. Now wasn't the time to kill each other and Jacob was released as soon as he understood that. He only goes to Bella's side to comfort her.

"Can we take it out?" Alice asks.
"It?" Malia side eyes them.
"The thing killing her." Jasper said.
"We can't her body is too weak." Carlisle tries to think more options.
"It's not accepting any food she take." Edward tells them but as soon as his eyes lands on Jacob he gives it a shot.
"Jacob has an idea, I think it might work." Edward and Carlisle get some blood and put it in a tumbler, she takes a sip and a few more. "It actually tastes good." Bella said lifting everyone's face up.

"Shouldn't Charlie know about this?"
"He'll be in danger if he does. It's best if we keep this for now."

Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett, goes out to hunt. Malia and Jacob sat outside. It was too much to watch Bella drink blood looking like she's dying. She is. Slowly.

"She was better off dead. This is.. this is torture." Jacob said, Malia wished that too and now she's thinking if it's too evil of them.They stood as they heard someone from the bushes. Surprised to see Seth and Leah. They seem to be arguing but crosses the borders.

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