One down, Two to go

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Bella was confined to the hospital. Malia, she was sent back to the reservation, with additional scars, but what surprised the Cullens was her newfound resistance to vampire venom. She was only out for a couple of hours, just like before when Laurent's venom got to her but she's getting more immune.

Billy waited outside the room while Sue helped treat Malia. By the Blacks' kitchen table was the guys, Sam, Paul, Jared, all with worried faces. It's like back in the first day again.

Sue goes out and sees their faces turn to her.

"Was it bad?"

"She'll be fine, Jared. We have a fighter."

"I told you, we should've helped her." Jared faces Sam.

"She has to learn that sticking with the pack is the smarter choice." Sam held his own. Jared was just being the worried guy around here and he understand that.

Jacob enters the house and their attention shifts to him. He didn't like Sam and his group, mostly because he was good friends with Jared until the day he suddenly became Sam's right hand and now he is unapproachable, or atleast that's how it is.

And now with Bella in the hospital, he wanted to go and see her, to know if she's alright, but they won't let him leave. Billy had hid his keys from him, he wouldn't even allow him to call her. Though Quil and Embry also care for Bella, they were talked to not leave as well.

"Malia needs us now, Jake." Jared said to him and this made him hate Jared more, how could he say that, Bella needs him too. But she has Edward and how he wished she needed him too.

It didn't mater as soon as he gets a glimpse on what lies behind that door. Malia quietly resting, looking at him, he goes in and takes a seat beside her bed.

"We're gonna have to hunt that animal down now, huh?" Jacob's soft expression meant so much for Malia, though she knows he's more worried of Bella and had heard of the guys preventing him from leaving.

"She's fine, Jacob. I wasn't too late." That was all she coould say for now.

"What are you talking about? Billy said Bella fainted and fell off the stairs."

"Lets just keep this between us, I promise, I'll tell you everything soon." They hear the door creak open.

"Jake, why don't you let Malia get some rest." Billy said.

The bites, the scratches. She remember every excruciating pain it had given her. And on some nights it had haunted her, even in daylight, even when awake. That's the price of surviving, you get to live with the pain, the wounds heal but not the feeling.


"She's a werewolf, Edward. I saw her."

"I know. I was there."

"Is she alright? Is she.. alive?" She asked despite her being confined over several broken glass wounds and one sprained leg.

"Yes. She's fine. She's back in the reservation." Edward gives her a reaasuring smile.

"And what about James, Laurent? Victoria?" There's fear in her eyes.

"James is dead. You don't have to worry about him. I promise you, Bella, I'll protect you." Edward gives her a hug and kisses her head. Wishing they could stay like this forever. But not in a hospital.


Malia fully recovered after a two days, and seeing as there are no kore excuses to stay in bed, Sam calls her out to train with them. Paul has been distant to her lately, couldn't even look her in the eye. Though it was bearable with Jared making up jokes. By now Malia knows everyone's personality, she didn't talk much and it allowed her to see how they reacted on some occassions. Paul hated the Cullens and it was evident that anything happening related to them pisses him off.

"You look horrible." Jared comments upon Malia's arrival.

"She was just attacked by vampires, Jared. Of course she'd look horrible." Paul said.

Sam felt tensions, and shruggs them off by giving orders. "We'll be scouting the area up to the borders." Paul makes a small nod and shifts.

"Let's go wolf girl!" Jared shifts, she followed.

It was hard to run with the pack, she didn't have telepathic link to them hut what she would do is run just behind them and step where they step. It was also a struggle to keep a low pace when running, she felt constricted and following something she can't understand frustrates her. Jared nudges her side, it was a challenge. A race. They went on to take a different path, making Sam and Paul halt.

Paul gives a low growl but Sam makes eye contact with him and he follows the alpha's track.

On the other side of town, there's been reports of animal attacks, but things just got better back home and the last thing they need is another trouble.

And thats first part 🤗


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