Stay Alert

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Everyone kept their eyes open for anything unusual. They took turns for the lookout. Malia was still in the cabin with Sue tending to her. "Werewolves normally heals faster." Sue said out of the blue, bothered by how Malia is still wounded at this point. "It's because of Vinn." She said lowly, Sue quickly glances at her alarmed. "Vinn did this to you?" Paul had just entered and heard it, he felt his blood rushing, and his and Malia's eyes met for a second before he storms out of the cabin aggressively. "No, I didn't mean it in that way," Malia tells Sue, but then she needs to stop Paul.

"Hey!" Malia calls out behind Paul but he isn't stopping. She still try to catch up but Paul ignores her until he hears a small grunt and Malia falls down. Quickly rushing to her side to help her up, she took the chance to talk to him.
"Vinn didn't do this. Not exactly. Healing is different when pairs are together, in my case Vinn is nearby." Paul looks down getting the idea. "How far?" He asks making Malia dart her eyes at him surprised. "How far does he need to be?" He repeats, "I, I don't know. A mile maybe?" Paul leaves just as Jared enters. "Good you're here. Stay with her." Paul orders.

"What was that about?" Jared sat beside her by the window bay.

Paul finds Vinn chilling with Jacob, Embry, and Quill. He drags him and Vinn didn't like it. "What's wrong with you!?" He snaps at Paul. The three stands ready to jump in incase it turns out badly. Two volatile werewolves is gonna be ugly. "Paul, cut it out." Quill tells him but this only pissed him off. "Malia is injured, she's not healing faster as long as this guy is near." Vinn scoffs and smirks, he finally got the idea. "So you know why?" He taunts Paul, but Jacob cuts in and drags Vinn away from Paul for him to cool off, Jacob pause on his steps as if waiting for Paul to say something, "Try for a mile." Jacob nods and pats Vinn's back.

Jared and Malia talked about it. How pairs turn the other weak, normally females, and she wasn't ready to give up being a werewolf, and if that meant being alone, she'll take it.

"What if you don't have to be alone?" He said, "You know, just not with Vinn."

"I've rejected him many times, but he is stubborn." "Sounds familiar." Jared teases her making her laugh, and he couldn't help it, the sun shining on her face while she smiled was just too good to let it pass. He kissed her. Then pause, wanting to apologize for being so forward, Malia pulls him close.

Meanwhile Jacob, Embry, and Quill took Vinn for a stroll. It was a total silence after Paul made a scene and since Jacob couldn't bare it anymore, he initiates a conversation. "So, what's your beef with Victoria?"
"I just don't like vampires in general."
"Are you sure that's all? You seem to hold a grudge against her more than anyone else." But Jacob didn't get a response.

"What happens now?" Malia asks Jared who seemed just as confused as her. "We date I guess?" He smiles but gets cut off by Paul's presence. "Are you feeling any better?", he had no idea. "I think so." "It looks better than earlier." Sue was a bit amazed of how it works.

Paul calls Jacob to return with the rest.

Upon arriving, Vinn still didn't like how Paul just dragged him and it seemed like he won't let it go easily. At least that  gained them a bit of chance against Victoria.

They went home to their respective cabins,  Jared wanted to stay a bit longer, but didn't want to rush it and make it too clichè. "I'll see you tomorrow." Malia nods at him awkwardly, as Jared leaves, Jacob stares at her disgusted, "You two aren't like-" "Isn't it your turn to guard? Goodnight." She leaves as quick as she could before Jacob could ask anything else.

If it wasn't for Victoria's army, everything else would've been great. Malia was early than usual, Billy had noticed her sudden change of mood and looks at Jacob for answers.

"Hey wait up." He catches up to Malia. "You seem different. Like we're not gonna face a bunch of newborns in a few days kind of different."

"I just, feel lighter. Better. I think taking Vinn out for a stroll was a good idea."

And just when Jacob was about to feel a bit happy too, it all ends when he sensed the Cullens have returned. Edward was standing beside Bella but that didn't stop him from walking up to her. Edward knew how much Bella cares for Jacob and lets the two be, he found himself close by Malia.

"I see alot has happened in three days." He smirks, as he look at the pack of wolves.  It's not a secret anymore, Jared had already spilled it thru their linked minds. No one was thrilled about it.

Then everyone darted their eyes on Alice, she had just seen Victoria's army move. "They're near." She warns. "Good thing we got back huh?" Edward becomes stiff ready to bite, restraininv himself, he takes Bella while the rest of them took turns on watching the  parameters.

"Jacob you go that side, take Leah and Malia with you." He nods at Sam.
"Jared you take Paul and Vinn." The three exchanged looks that wasn't gonna end well. Leah crosses her arms smirking "well, this is gonna be fun." Paul raises a brow at her.

Leah had been keeping her pace with Malia. She seems interested with the issue. "It's not gonna last long you know." Leah starts casually. "Yeah, I know." Malia exhales, and Leah gets the idea, "It's just because of that?" Leah's eyes widened surprised of what was Malia's intention. "But that would mean you really like him right? I mean despite the fact that one day he might imprint on someone?" Leah was met with silence, she didn't want to talk about it anymore. "I mean, atleast you know what you're doing." Leah gives Jacob a judgy look and he rolls his eyes at her.

They suddenly become still on their feet, something's lurking. Leah darts her eyes up the trees, but the rustle of the wind covers up whatever's moving around them. "..Jake.." Leah warns him in a low voice. "I know. Just steady yourself. She's not getting away this time." Malia wasn't onto the trees, and knew it's not Victoria. She's too smart to attack head on. The shadow drops from the ground and takes a run. Jacob darts but is stopped by Malia. "She's getting away!" Leah bursts in anger. "That's not her. We have to go back now. And warn the others." Jake had to let it go, tho he wanted to chase it out but maybe this is a distraction.

They return the same time as Paul's team. Vinn has blood on his face. "What happened to you?" Jacob asks surprised. "He killed one." Paul answers for him. "Unfortunately we got to him too late. He bit a fisherman."

"Oh no. Charlie.." Bella was startled. "Don't worry Embry and Quill got an eye on him." Edward assures her. Charlie is being watched, and Victoria doesn't have interest on him anyway. But the newborns will take whatever human available.

"Malia, you can't avoid me forever." But she ignores him. "Look I know about Jared. And I don't care, but you promised we'd go home after all of this." He waits for her.
"And we will."

There was a bit of pain in there. Not for Malia, but for Vinn. How he did his best to win her all those years and how quickly he lost her that day. That day that her wounds took longer to heal because she had finally loved him and when he turned his back on her, she realized that she might've loved him more than Vinn had ever loved her. And he knew. He knew he screwed up.


Who she gonna end up withhhhhhhh because I also have no clue to be honest HAHAHAHA so lemme hear your opinions 😵


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