Where she went

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"Wolf girl! Time to stretch!" They heard Jared call out from the field. Billy nods at her to go ahead.

There was still not a word from Paul, its giving her a mood too lately, it annoyed her sometimes, but Jared would hit them up with a good laugh, and he'd forget that he was pissed, accidentally glancing over Malia, and she would smile back at him only to look away again.

It wasn't helping that her past is starting to haunt her all over again. Gives her less reason to sleep or even close her eyes for a minute. Though some days it's tolerable but then she'd wake up like being pulled down or dragged under.

After a run, she went back to the cabin where Jacob was walking back and forth impatiently.

"What's with you?" She asked, making Jacob turn to her for a moment.

"None of your business." He glared. Then he had a thought. "Actually...It's Bella's birthday. And- and I don't know what to give her.."

"Ahh. I see. Do you want my help?"


Jacob and Malia takes a bike ride to this antique shop a couple of miles away. This would be the first time she ever went to a shop, and seeing different items made her feel in awe. She picks up a frame and offers it to Jacob.

"Malia. I don't think she'll be needing a calendar." She puts it down, then her eyes stays on the item hanged by the wall.

"How about that one? It looks pretty."

"Yeah. That's not a bad idea."

They go to Forks high school, just at the right time. They see Bella with Edward being sweet.

"Someone's here for you.. or two." Edward whispers to her. Turning to find Jacob and Malia, all smiles at her.

"Happy Birthday, Bella." Jacob gives her a tight hug. She waves at Malia at the back, mouthing thank you, for the save again. "Here. I got you something. It's to prevent you from having bad dreams. Malia helped me to find it."

"It's perfect, Jake. Thank you."

Malia still has an unliking for Edward, and him reading her mind sends a very clear message.

"You know she's in more danger when she's with you."

Edward didn't like it, the visions he saw inside her head. He drags Bella away from Jacob and into class. No one was happy about it. But mostly Jacob, he was pissed at Edward for doing that. Malia does the same to Jacob, asking him to take them back to the reservation.

"Where have you been?" Paul asks Malia, ignoring Jacob.

"We went to Forks." Jacob answered.

"You went to see Bella? She just got you into this mess and you're still talking to her?" They can feel Paul's tension. But Jacob was caught up on what he had said.

Bella's the reason Malia was badly injured. Of course he won't believe it, he looked at Malia frustrated.

"I'm trying to get Bella away from the Cullens."

"why don't you let her be. She's not gonna listen to anybody incase you haven't noticed." Paul walks out.

Jacob still has his eyes on Malia. "You never got to tell me what happened that day."

"Not now, Jacob." She walks out too.

Maybe Paul's right. This is no longer on her now. Bella knows of the vampires and should know that there will be consequences to that. Malia should just stay out of it.

The night came, and she couldn't sleep. Maybe she should've bought herself one of those dreamcatchers Jacob got for Bella, but then it wouldn't be capable of containing all of the nightmares that run inside her head. A run would be good. It wasn't a werewolf run, just Malia in her human form trekking with the moon ligjt guiding her. She sees a light coming from a house in the middle of nowhere. Edward was there waiting for someone.

"Alice said you'd pass by here."

"I know you can read minds. Wasn't I clear the last time? Do you want to see it again?"

"No. I'm not here to argue with you. You're right. I'm only putting her in more danger. I wanted to ask you for a favor, something I will be forever in debt to you."

"If this is about Bella, forget it. Doesn't mean because she's in danger with you, she won't be with me."

"But less danger. And you already made up your mind anyway." Edward lowers his head, hiding a smile. "Don't worry about your pack, they'll forgive you." Edward leaves.

The next day she heard that Bella was missing. Everyone's searching for her. Highschool friends, Quileutes. But she only heard of it now.

"Why has no one told me about this?"

"They don't want you anywhere near Bella for a while, you know, with all the trouble.." Jared said apologetically, he knows that Malia is a bit protective of Bella and saying this just worsen the situation.

Paul had just arrived to the scene and stands by Jared. The three overhears the others conversation.

"I'll call the Cullens again. Her note said she and Edward went for a walk."

"They left town, Charlie." Billy said.

"Hospital said Doc Cullen got a big job somewhere else." Harry added looking over the search map.

"They left her. I don't understand. He was asking me to look over her.."

"You talked to the Cullens?" Paul is a bit pissed at hearing the name but all Malia could think about right now is a human in danger.

She had this thought that maybe Bella went with the Cullens, that she became a vampire, that it might be over for her. But it toned down as soon as they see Sam carrying a body. By the frame, everyone knew it was Bella. She's alright, looked a little cold but she'll survive.

Charlie rushes to get his daughter, thanking Sam. But Malia notices that Sam had kept his eyes at Jacob, watching him, and he felt uncomfortable. It was taken over by his worry of Bella, who kept crying mumbling Edward's name.

"He's gone. He left me." She said.

"Don't worry Bella, I won't do that to you." Jacob cooed.


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