Lone wolf

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Aro giddily takes a step back from Alice. Seeing that he has calmed down, Alice calls out their last and final witness, Nahuel.

He explains his existence to the Volturi. However Aro's eyes are fixed on the tall trees that supposedly hide the his deadly enemy. Or was it the one standing behind him right now? Alessia? He could either let her go. Kill her. Or let her live. But it wouldn't be much of a change for him unless she meets Malia herself. Why hurry when werewolves can age slowly  but are not immortals. He wouldn't risk it. Not now that he had seen how capable the Cullens have gathered several covens together for their cause. The smart thing to do is to let them have today.

Demetri and Felix return to the Vilturi and reports. But Edward heard them that they got nothing.

Jared catches up to Malia and she almost went on attack mode.

Malia had let out a breath. It wasn't for her safety but for Jared. If the battle never happened then...

"That means you can stay." Jared said.
"No. It means I should go just like how it's supposed to be." She never turned to him. "It was nice knowing you."


That was it? No. How can she be so heartless. Infact she was being generous. She didn't want to hold him down only to let him go for the right person whom he is truly meant to be with. There was still pain in her heart that she never really had a chance to make peace with yet. Not until she had straigthen things up with Alessia. She'll have to find another way to face the Volturi without the casualty of other people.


"She left." Bella read Malia's letter.
"But we know she'll be back when we need her." Edwards assures her as he kisses her forehead.
"How do you know?"
"I just know."


A truck pulls over by a cabin. The riders were hunters.

"Dammit. The wolves got to them first again?"

"You mean wolf."
"Nah. There's always a pack of em."
"Not in this area. Although I may have heard that the last time someone saw it, it turned into a woman." They laughed at his story.

"Maybe he's drunk!"
"No! No! But that was before he got bitten a bear."

"A bear and a wolf? Pick your monster!"
"The wolf might be dead by now, judging by his description of it. Far too many wounds from bear fights I guess."
"Now we jusy have this guy's saint bernard!"

"Excuse me." Jared smiles politely "may I know where exactly did your friend last saw the wolf?" He thought for a moment looking at the ceiling. "Let me jog my memory a bit it was six or seven years ago."

The door chimes as a person enters. The way its foot steps make a sound, the pattern, is familiar. Jared had completely forgotten his question. It's most likely he found his answer anyway.

Lone wolfWhere stories live. Discover now