The wedding

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It was already late that night. But Malia didn't want to leave just yet. The company here was better than the Cullens despite the torture of being ignored by Jared. Atleast now she can focus on other things and just forget about their past. She stood at Vinn's grave, reminiscing, a tear drips down her face but everything stops as she hear something coming from the bushes, not enough alarming to shift though she kept her guard up. It was familiar.

"Jacob?" She calls out. And it's actually him. He steps out of sight a bit surprised of Malia being there. He rush to give her a hug. "You're really here? Jared said you'll be here." She frowned for a second, "Jared?" Asking if she heard it right. Jared also steps out but still with the ignoring thing going on.

Jacob walks a few steps ahead of them. While Malia and Jared follow behind in silence. It wasn't awkward at all.

"So you're going?" Jared finally asks.
"I need to." She said short of breathe. "There's gonna be a lot of vampires there. And humans. Just need to make sure no one gets hurt."

"You came here for Bella?"
"And Jake."
"Of course." He said. "That's nice." Now it sounded off and Malia just couldn't ignore it. She halts on her step.
"What's wrong with you? You could atleast try to be decent. You don't have to shove it to my face. Atleast one of us is happy now." Jared was a bit surprised by the sudden tone on Malia ss if she was hurt. Even as he faced her, she wasn't this girl that had taken down new borns. She just looked like a normal person who doesn't know where she really belongs. Jared takes a moment to find the right words, even Jacob was watching but didn't know what to do and just wait for Jared to say anything to her. Before he could even do that, Malia darts out confusing Jared. He takes a look for help at Jacob.

"What did I do?"
"I don't know."

The day came. Malia stood in the halls of the Cullen's house as she watch Alice and Rosalie do Bella's hair. If it weren't to their weird eyes and purple under eyes she'd say it was a picture perfect moment for a family on the day of a wedding, like something for the books.

After Alice did her job on Bella's makeup she proudly presents Bella to her mom. She then drops her eyes on Malia like a prey.

"You're up next."
"No. I don't think I'll-"
"Shut up and get in here." Alice drags her happily, and pushes her down to sit.
"Oh. The makeup." She eases down.
"Crying on the day before a wedding doesn't suit you. You're not gonna lose Bella." Alice comforts her. She looks at Bella who's hugging her mom.
"But she will." Malia said, and even Rosalie felt it to be true.

She sat there with Sue and Seth, along with Billy

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She sat there with Sue and Seth, along with Billy. While Seth was genuinely happy and excited for the wedding, Malia was anxious, and after the ceremony, she can be seen always nearby Bella's highschool friends or Charlie, though she doesn't engage into small talks with them.

"Brighten up Malia, you look cool." Seth smiles at her.
"Thanks, but if I brighten up every human might end up dead." Then she locks eyes with a blonde vampire. They felt repulsed by eachother and before things could get ugly, Alice gives Malia a word about that Vampire.

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