Twice the Trouble

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Bella is with Jacob, Quil, and Embry, doing motorcycle stuff. They try to make her busy so that she doesn't ever think of doing anything irresponsible again.

The others were at the beach. Malia and Vinn sat by the log watching them play soccer.

"You're different." He said not looking at her.

"I was chased by three vampires for weeks. I think you won't be the same either."

"It wasn't that that changed you." Malia realized he was looking at the pack.

"You're becoming one of them." His eyes meets hers. "Just remember what you're really are."

They are not born to be domesticated. Not born to follow rules. They are wild and they must remain that way. The last time there was a pack in their tribe, it went horribly wrong. They won't make the same mistakes again.

Vinn was somehow manageable but he would scoff at the guys whenever they did something he didn't like, and Paul would lose patience but Sam would keep them calm, it was enough to have two stubborn wolves and he only needed one hothead wolf. Though they train with him, keep him occupied, and whenever he was in wolf form, Malia had to stay in human form. It was something the others didn't understand yet. She could turn if she wanted too, but it'll be painful for the both of them.

Bella kept her company on the sides with Emily. And after a few a week, they had noticed Bella had completely forgotten of the Cullens. It's like they never existed. And everyone had told Jacob to not mention any names anymore if he wants Bella to be this peaceful. Vinn staying with Paul also helped the two to become somehow acquinted though occassionally they'd get annoyed with each other and is close to starting a fight but the guys would break them up. It's not really good to have two volatile guys in one area.

There was a distant presence. Everyone noticed, except the humans. Malia wasn't aware of it since she had been weaker over time. But Vinn was new to this. He sensed danger, a threat, a vampire. He burst out shifting and running away. Malia was confused and takes a look at Jacob for answers.

"There's an incoming. Weird, short, threat." He said trying to sound calm but his face says otherwise, Jacob had given her a hint, and in that moment she knew who it was. She avoided Bella's confusion and left her with Emily.

And she did it although it'll cause both of them pain. She shifted. And ran, trying to catch up to Vinn whose sight has darkened. The guys were catching up to him, but he wouldn't budge, he is afterall a true werewolf and relatively bigger than the rest. He felt the tingling in his mind, like a parasite making its way to his memories, digging deeper to his dark secrets. It was painful but tolerable. Malia on the other hand was struggling but showed no signs of slowing down.

Vinn jumps over Alice and she falls on her back holding of Vinn's nasty snarls at her. The guys had tried to throw him off of Alice but he was like under adrenaline rush and his eyes fixed on the vampire as the prize. Malia gets there a second later and takes him down. They both stumble to the ground and Malia quickly takes a pace shielding Alice from anyone who'd try.

Alice remained behind Malia seeing her as an ally now.

"I thought you were dead." She said to Malia worriedly. Her wolf eyes taking aquick glance at her before returning at Vinn's. The two wolves seemed to be having a conversation of their own. But they weren't. True werewolves cant communicate. But with the growling and snarls, it was clear. Vinn backs up, he clearly underestimated Malia.

Malia then shifts back exhausted, like she just gave it her all. They both went inside each other's memories. It was an uncontrollable connection but not strong enough, the reason why only one of the pair must remain a wolf, and normally it would be the one in better condition.

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