New girl

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Emily knocks on Malia's door before going in. She was already up but a bit confused of her surroundings. She leads her to the kitchen where the rest of the Quiluetes were already seated and having breakfast. She felt uncomfortable to be stared at so Sam makes a low alpha growl that only pack members can hear, and both Jared and Paul minds their business.

The tribe's councils, Billy and Harry, enters the Uley's cabin informing them that Malia will now reside with Billy and his son. This is to let Sam and Emily have the place for themselves.

"You're gonna have to go to school like the rest of the kids, we don't want anyone be suspicious of you."

They all agreed and he takes her to his place where she meets Jacob for the first time, he was with his friends Embry Call and Quil Ateara who were just about to leave for school, Quil was friendly enough to say hi to her but Embry drags him away. Billy introduces her as a distant relative who will be staying with them for a while. Jacob wasn't happy with this but if it's what Billy says then he'll have to follow. She was shown around the house and to her designated room. It was already furnished, like it was someone else's room. Billy leaves her to get ready putting some clothes in the bed for her to wear. Scanning the photos pinned in the wall she sees three kids. One was Jacob, he posed with twins, must be Billy's daughters she thought. They looked beautiful. After changing to a more appropriate clothes, she goes out to realize Jacob and his friends had already left not waiting for her. Jared and Paul pops in the door and calls for Malia, she then goes with them instead.

"Remember, you're a distant relative of the Blacks. You're here on a vacation." Jared instructed.

"She gets it, Jared. Let her be." Paul guides her to the classroom and she spots Jacob, Embry, and Quil. There was a remaining seat near them and she takes it.


"Haven't Sam told you yet to not hang out with us?" Jacob was a bit annoyed of her.

He never said it, and even if he did it'll be hard to avoid Jacob now that they are staying under the same roof.

She sees Paul making a gesture to stop talking to Jacob and seeing how she made Jacob feel she wasn't planning on pushing it, today. After class, Jacob had already left, making her walk with the two guys back home.

"You can't tell him anything." Paul warned Malia.

"Why not? Won't he turn to a wolf one day?"

"We don't know that. Phasing of Quiluetes must be different from yours. We only phase when we are triggered. Its not some kind of puberty thing." Jared laughs.

"But wouldn't it be better if he knew what to do once he turns?"

"He'll have to experience it alone first. It's like an initiation." They finally reach Billy's cabin and the two boys head on to theirs.

After everyone had gone to sleep, and Malia couldn't, she decides to go for a walk in the woods. She was retracing her tracks. Trying to find out if they had stopped following her.

The moon was bright enough to see the marshy grounds and the night was calm, but for whatever reason she felt unnerved from the stillness. The last time it was this quiet, they were ambushed. Then she hears it from the distance. A faint cry. She accidentally shifts but goes to see what was that all about. She came to the scene a little too late. The body was now lifeless. She went closer and sees a bite mark. They're here. And as much as she'd like to investigate further, she hears a subtle rustling in the woods, she quickly leaps out just as a group of people spots the victim. She hides in the shadows and returns to the cabin.

"There won't be any breakfast left for you two," Billy calls Jacob, Malia follows behind looking so restless.

"What happened to you?" Billy raises a brow.

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