Two down, One to go

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Maybe now I'll need that place with the flowers. I wanted to get away from them. Mostly because I felt guilty for disobeying the pack I'm not even part of. Or maybe it was because I wish I was part of it. But then it wouldn't change anything. I'll save what I'll have to save.

The flowers had disappeared. All there is was the dried grass. Still it was quiet enough to think. Closing my eyes, there goes the other presence again. It was familiar but like at the back of my mind. Then someone emerges from the other direction.


"Malia..its pleasant to see you alive.."

I held my stand. If there's anything that scares Laurent its showing him you are stronger.

"My, have I missed our chasing days." He chuckled teasingly. "I'm only here in behalf of Victoria. She's planning to kill someone you hold dearly, in revenge for you killing James. But with so many of them, she's gonna make sure you feel every death."

"You can't hurt them. They're a pack and Bella's heavily guarded. You'd be dead before you lay eyes on her."

"And you? Who protects you?"

Laurent pretends to look around concerned, he darts at me and I move fast to counter him. But he has the advantage. I was emotionally unstable and predictable at the moment. He gets a grip of my neck, and the memories come crashing back in, my past, the one I pushed at the very back of my mind. It was confusing enough to not be able to shift and Laurent took notice of it.

"Is it? A true werewolf, weak? I thought I was gonna get a good fight from you. Tell me, was it that angry wolf? Or the one who always has your back?" He is scared of them. I sense it and maybe if I say the right words he'll take off.

"They'll be here."

"Oh, after that speech you made I don't think anyone's coming for you. You're alone. You've always had been. You were born alone, you'd die that way too." Laurent shows off his fangs ready to bite me amd end me once and for all.

I could see it. How this all goes for Bella. But I know the pack will protect her now. Jacob would never leave her.

"She's not alone." I heard Jared and sees the pack with him including Sam.

Laurent becomes aware of their numbers, releasing me off his grip. I felt the tremble in his voice appeasing Sam. I don't know how what happened to Laurent after that. All I know is that he was chased away.

It was a relief to see them. But I felt weak and vulnerable, falling on my knees but someone supports my arms preventing me to hit the ground fully. I should be showing them that I can do this alone but I failed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered like losing breathe. I don't even know who I'm talking to anymore. My head leans on his shoulder and I felt like dying. There's blood on my hand. I knew it was mine. I just never noticed how Laurent easily pierced his nails against my skin.

I open my eyes to the familiar ceiling. I'm back in the room. Back in the cabin. My eyes looks around until seeing Jared seated beside the bed.

"Hey. You're alright."

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"You said that already. Kept saying it till we got here."

My eyes searched for someone in the room. They were going to kill everyone I ever cared about.

"Where's Bella?"

"Jacob's watching over her."

"Where are the others? Paul? He mentioned Paul."

I saw Jared look up at me before saying he's out guarding the borders with the others. He was different today. He didn't make jokes. He didn't smiled. A part of him was trying to read me.

"Is Laurent-"

"He's dead. You don't have to worry about anyone trying to get you."

"That's how it should be. They should be trying to get me instead of anyone else." That was the plan from the very start. To not let anyone get involved but look at where this had come to. Look at how I am feeling things I don't want to feel.

"It's alright Malia, we'll take care of it. It'll be best if you stay here for a while. Until you heal."

I almost forgot about it. The wound was still there. I'm not healing as fast as I should, and there are many possibilities on why but for now I'll keep it to myself, until I am sure.

We heard something happening outside. It's Paul and another voice that didn't sound like one of the pack but very familiar.

I  look out the window, and see him. Jared couldn't stop me from running out of the room and putting a stop to a heated argument.

"You're taking this stranger's side now?"

"He's not a stranger." I look back at Vinn and he look back at me and knew he had a lot of explaining to do.

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