Chapter Five

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Carina's POV

I get off of the phone with Maya and I feel sick to my stomach. How could a parent abandon their child. Everyday, I watch mama's on the happiest day of their lives. I help them welcome this adorable baby into this terrifying world and they shower that child with love and nothing else matters. How do people go from that to feeling the need to hurt their child.

I try and push it to the back of my mind. I have a job to do. One of my patients is about to have her bambino.

Maya's POV

What am I meant to do. I have to go out to this alarm. I'm going to have to leave Amelia here.

"I'm so sorry Amelia, I have to go help people but i'll be back as soon as I can" Amelia begins to cry.

I call over to Hughes who is sat at the reception desk

"Hughes, please don't freak out but I need to look after that girl in my office. Don't call CPS. She's called Amelia and is very scared. she has one of my hoodies and my perfume is in my top drawer. Don't leave her alone"

I run to the engine as Hughes calls back

"Maya, erm... Okay"

I climb into the engine and we pull out to go to the fire.

Amelia's POV

There was a big loud noise then she left me. Maya just left me. She said she would be back but didn't say when. She gave me one of her hoodies and it was nice. It smelt like Maya. Maya makes me really happy.

"I want Maya" I cried out

"Hey, shhhh" This other woman said to me. "My name is Victoria, but you can call me Vic. Maya will come back soon ok"

"Where did Maya go" I say as I pull my knees into my chest.

"Maya, like me, is a firefighter. that sound you heard was letting us know that someone needs our help. On big fires like this one, the Captain has to go to give out orders. Maya is the captain" she says as she slowly comes closer to me. She sits next to me and puts her arm around me. I nustle into her like I did with Maya but I put her hoodie under my head so I could smell her. Maya makes me happy. We stay like this for a while when Vic says something to me.

"How about whilst Maya and the rest of the team are out, I show you around the station. Would you like that Amelia"

I think about it for a while then nod my head and I pull myself away from Vic before I grab her hand. My other hand grabs ahold of Maya's hoodie. We walk out of Maya's office and Vic begins showing me the station.

"This is the reception desk. everyday one firefighter stays here to help people who walk in and answer the phone when needed. Today that was me. That's why i'm still here while everyone else is gone."

We walk up the stairs to a big room.

"Here Amelia, is the Beanery, we all eat here together like a family because that's what we like to call ourselves. We are the Station 19 family." She pauses for a moment the looks at me, "Would you like something to eat Amelia"

I look around the room before looking up at Vic "Can I please have a yogurt. Maya gave me one earlier. It was really nice"

"Of course Amelia" She opens the fridge and gets out two yogurts and two bottles of water "go sit down over there at the table"

I walk over to the table and climb up onto one of the chairs. Vic sits down in the chair opposite me and hands me a yoghurt, spoon and a bottle of water. She has the same in-front of her too. She smiles at me before going and eating her yogurt.

"Vic" I say quietly, almost at a whisper

"Yes Amelia" She responds back quietly too

"Can you help me open my things"

"Of course I can" She opens my yogurt and my water bottle then I slowly start to eat my yogurt.

Vic's POV

I look at the clock and realise i've been sat at the table watching Amelia eat the yogurt for over half an hour. She very slowly takes small mouthfuls every time. When Maya told me not to call CPS I have my suspicious on why she didn't but now it's more clear. I think Amelia was neglected.

"Vic" she says looking up from her yogurt

"Yes Amelia"

"I'm full"

"Okay, that's fine. You've done really well Amelia. Would you like to keep your water bottle in case you want a drink" I say to her with a smile on my face

"Yes please. Thank you" she says quietly.

I finish cleaning up from our little snack and I look over at Amelia who looks as though she about to fall asleep. "Amelia, are you feeling sleepy"

"A little" She says struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Would you like to go back to Maya's office and take a little nap. I can carry you if you like"

"Yes please"

I walk over to Amelia and pick her up making sure that she still has Maya's hoodie

"Ouch, that hurts" she winces as I pick her up.

"Sorry Amelia. I didn't mean to hurt you" I reposition her a little. "Is that better"


I lay her down in the bed in Maya's office and she very quickly falls asleep with her bear and the hoodie in her arms.

I go and send Maya a quick message updating her on Amelia

Victoria: I took Amelia on a small tour of the station and gave her some more water and another yogurt. She didn't finish it but she's now asleep in your bed
Maya: Thank you so much Vic, we are almost done here so we will be back to the station in about 30 minutes.

I return back to the reception desk making sure to keep the doors open so I can hear Amelia incase she wakes up.

Maya's POV

I feel so much more relieved that Amelia is okay. I felt so bad for leaving her. I didn't ever think that I would ever have a bond with a child, especially one that I have just met. But there is something different about her. I love her.

"Captain, we are ready to head back to the station now, everything has been cleaned up and put way" Herrera says over the radio.

"Copy Herrera. 19, let's head on back"

I just want to see Amelia before Carina arrives. I still have no idea how she's going to react.

A/N- I know the story is a little slow moving at the moment but I like how it's helping establish relationships between Amelia and others, rather than it just being her and Maya.

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