Chapter Eight

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Amelia's POV

I was really scared to come into the hospital but Dr Robbins made me feel really safe. She gave me a needle and my bear one too so we are matching. She didn't hurt me at all which was one thing I was scared of. Maya said to me that she wanted me to live with her and I want to to. I don't want to go back to mommy. She is scary.

I like the people I've met so far. They have all made me feel really safe and they are all really nice.

Dr Robbins finishes looking at me and she gives me lots of stickers for being brave. She gives me a bag and tells me to open it. It had candy and Jell-O inside. But also a colouring book and some crayons. "Thank you Dr Robbins" I say to her as I pull out a lolly pop.

"You are very welcome sweetheart. Do you like those lollypops?" She says whilst laughing.

"Yes, I really like the lolly pops. It tastes just like the Jell-O did" I say with a smile on my face.

She then asks Maya and Carina to step outside with her for a moment and that makes me feel a little scared. "I don't want Maya to leave" I say to Dr Robbins

"Amelia, I'm going to stay in the room. I can show you pictures of Leo and Allison if you want. Just in case you come and live with me for a little" Owen says to me

I look at Maya and she nods her head at me so I turn back to Owen and nod my head at him. Maya and Carina leave my room with Dr Robbins and Owen takes out his phone and starts shows me pictures of Leo and Allison.

Maya's POV

I get a bad feeling when Arizona asks Carina and myself to come and talk to her outside, but I know that is something is wrong with Amelia, Arizona is the best doctor to help her.

"Amelia is very dehydrated and malnourished so any abuse she faced at home has been going on for a while. Because of this, it is very possible that she will have some form of PTSD or anxiety and by the way that she reacted when I asked Maya to come out of the room with me, I think she might have some attachment with you and there is already some separation anxiety there" Arizona says to both Me and Carina.

"Okay, what can you do about it" I ask her holding back my emotions. "Is the fact that she is showing signs of attachment to me going to help us keep her when it comes down to Child Protective services"

"I am going to set her up on a IV drip to hydrate her and they in terms of her malnutrition, I'm going to give her some kid friendly protein shakes. She weighs the same as an average three year old so we really need to have her gain weight" She says with a serious tone in her voice. (The lollypops I've given her are also high in calories so they should also help but she cannot rely on calorie supplements. And in terms of CPS, I'm going to consult with someone with psych about her. If possible, I don't want them coming into Amelia's room in case it stresses her out or causes her to panic. She seems really settled and hasn't fussed in a while. If they agree with me on her attachment to you and her anxiety and everything else, It could help you keep her as she feels more comfortable in your presence."

I try and say something but I can't find the words. All I can do is look at Carina

"Okay, Arizona. Grazie for your help" Carina says to Arizona. Then Arizona turns away from us and goes to get some things for Amelia.

I turn into Carina and just start sobbing. I had held it back all day and I just couldn't do it anymore. Carina places kisses on the top of my head and rubs her hand up and down my back as I just uncontrollably sob. Carina just holds me for a few minutes whilst I try to stop the tears. It doesn't work. I care too much about this little girl and I have only known her for a few hours. "Its so much worse than I thought Carina." I manage to say through all the tears. Hearing what Arizona had to say about Amelia broke my heart. She is just so little. No body should ever have to be treated the way that she was treat by the person that is meant to raise her and love her. That person should make her feel safe but instead is the person that she fears the most.

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