Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Miss Bishop and Br Deluca are here by granted the parental rights of Amelia Sophia DeLuca-Bishop".

Amelia's POV

"We did it mama's. I'm not a Walker" I say to my mama's once the judge finished talking. "I'm just like you two. I'm a DeLuca-Bishop"

"We did Amelia, we did." Momma says, some tears falling down her face.

"And I have a middle name. And it's the same as my friend's name" I say enthusiastically.

"Sorry to bother you" The judge says as he comes over to where Momma, mamma, Cami and I are stood. "But a lot of families after a custody battle or an adoption like to get photos with me to remember who helped them complete their family. Obviously you don't have to, but would you like to get a photo or two with me."

"Actually," Mamma begins. "I was just about to come over and ask the same thing. Can we have one with Camilla in it and then one as just the three of us and you." She asks him.

"Yes, that is absolutely fine. If you pass your camera over to one of the members of staff (A/N: I have no idea what they are actually called... oops) they can take the photos for you." Mamma passes the camera to one of the people who walk forwards and the five of us take our positions ready for the photo to be taken.


"TIA ANDY, I'M A DELUCA-BISHOP" I scream as I run out of the courthouse and all of momma's friends.

"I know, I heard." She told me. That made me a little cross.

"Who told you?" I said, trying not to be bratty but my voice getting slightly louder. I watched as her eyes looked up at momma then back down to me. "MOMMA! I was meant to tell people" I shout slightly, getting very cross at momma for ruining my surprise.

"Bambina... momma had to tell them because they have a birthday/adoption surprise for you that momma and I made sure that they kept safe just for you." Mamma tells me, her arm around momma. "But before you see that surprise, you really need to apologise to both momma and Andy. We don't shout at people do we?"

"No mamma"

"What do we do when we have big feelings like that?" She asks me.

"I tell someone..." I say almost at a mumble. "I'm sorry I was being rude Tia Andy." I turn to look at momma. "And I'm sorry for shouting at you momma. You made me cross that you told the others when I wanted to be the one to tell them. I'm really really sorry." I give momma a hug, my face pushed into her belly because she is so much taller than me. It makes me think about something and so. "Momma, mamma, can I talk to you when we get home?"

"Sure baby. And thank you for saying sorry to me. That was a very grown up thing to do, Amelia Sophia Deluca-Bishop." Momma chuckles slightly. "I like that"

Carina's POV

"Are we ready" I say out loud.

"I think so" Maya responds.

"Ready for what mamma" Amelia questions, turning around so she can see everyone.

"You will see" Andy tells the little brunette who's head is resting against Maya's stomach still. "TRAV, WE ARE READY" She shouts. It doesn't take long until...

"A PUPPY!!!" Amelia screams, running over to Travis, instantly getting covered in puppy kisses.

The rest of us meet up when Travis, Amelia and the puppy are. "Are you happy, Bambina?" I ask her.

She just nods her head. "Is it a boy dog or a girl dog. What ever it is, it is super soft and fluffy." It is clear as ice... clear as glass... I don't know. What ever it is, it is obvious that Amelia loves the birthday gift that we got her.

"It's a boy dog princess." Maya tells our daughter.

"Can I name him?" She asks innocently.

"Si bambina. Do you have any ideas" I say, running my hands through long hair.

"Bruno" She says without a second to think.

"Why Bruno Amelia?" Vic asks her.

"Because Encanto is my favourite film and Bruno is funny" She says looking up at Vic. "Lots of my friends from school think that its weird that he is my favourite because their favourites are cousin Deloris or Luisa"

"I guess the puppy is called Bruno then, Car" May says to me.

"Not just Bruno momma, Bruno Deluca-Bishop" She says. Everyone in the group laughs slightly at her.

"Anyway" Maya begins. "It was lovely that all of you were able to come down here and help with Amelia's birthday surprise, but we really should head back home. Especially if little miss wants to talk to Carina and I"


Maya's POV

Carina drives us home because I drove to the courthouse, Amelia is sat in her car seat with Bruno curled up on her lap sleeping. I have been trying to think about all the possible reasons why Amelia would want to talk to Carina and I because normally she doesn't mind talking about something in public, so maybe this is really important. Or a secret that she has. What ever it is, I hope it isn't something bad. We finally get back to our apartment complex and I help an almost asleep Amelia out the car who instantly wakes up when feeling the cold winter breeze.

"Bruno" She holds her arms out towards the puppy.

"It's okay, mamma will take him because we need to carry him up to the apartment." I tell her as I pick her up. "And you could maybe do with a little sleep huh. It's been a really long day" She buries her head into my neck and I feel her nod her head.

"Talk after I sleep" She says quietly.

"Yes baby, we can talk after you sleep" I kiss her forehead gently and follow Carina up into the apartment complex.


Once I laid Amelia down in her bed I head back out into the living room to find Carina holding an envelope in her hands.

"Car, what is that?" I ask her.

"It's for Amelia" She hands me the envelope. "And it's from the prison"


Is it a cliffhanger??

I'm going to say it is.

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